Lost A Human Bestfriend

Today lost 3 of my dogs at a same time. Don't know what's the cause but the joy,barking,hugging were silent in the house. Never that I thought they leaving us so early. I still remember, they were born on June 2023, the mother was having 5 babies and my family just take 3 of them, 2 were given to other people that need a companion but this two also die due to sickness.

This 3 doggie was taken very care by us especially my mum. They were treated and given injection so that they can get healthy and strong. Now that 8 months have been going well, today my mum and I encountered a shock incident were the 3 of them died at the same time and place. My mum was astonished that Roman is nowhere to be found this morning because we usually give them food in the morning but Roman can't be found even calling it's name loudly, still no sign of coming. Until this afternoon, my mum heard a soft bark near to her windows and saw Gobu struggling to move from the tight space because there many buildings things there and 3 queen size beds. I was rushing to the place and saw Gobu struggling to get some air. I throw away all the things that blocking them until I can take him out from there. Then I also saw Chibi's leg and she doesn't move at all. That's when I know, somethings off and I quickly pull out the cabinets and shelf. I succeed to take Gobu out from there and my mum was crying when I take Gobu near to her, Gobu was like in a 5050 condition. His temperature starts to cold and his muscle started to stiff. We know that he couldn't make it anymore. Then Chibi also taken out from there and no sign of breathing anymore. Roman actually found near to our house (Futsal). Also no sign of breathing anymore. Our hearts were broken by the incident today, there were just running around happily but suddenly die of an unknown cause. No sign of being poison, being bite by poisonous animal or being attack by people or dog sickness. We were confused of this incident, what are the cause of this until 3 of them died at the same time. We're still couldn't believe it of this tragic moments. This 3 are playful and intelligent dogs that me and my family had. This 3 also the one accompany my mum when she's all alone at the house when all of us going to work. There always by the kitchen door, sleeping and accompany my mum.

We love you Chibi, Gobu and Roman. You 3 are a good dog.

RIP dear Chibi, Gobu and Roman.

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