My Pet Cats

My Pet Cats

For all Cat Lovers

I love cats , I think they are the most adorable and
understanding creatures in the world .They know when I am
happy , they know when I am sad , they know what I like and
what I dislike. They know when I go shopping and bring
something new to the house.

Now I will introduce you to my pet cats one by one;

Dobby, a male cat, was handed over to us, as a full grown cat,
by some friends who could not coup with his aggressive and
destructive behavior .When he came to us , he was very
unhappy, obviously , he was missing his friends and
companions and as a consequence , lost a lot of weight and a
complete interest in life. However, he gradually came out of his
depression and started mingling with the other cats in the
house, luckily there were no other male cats in the house, so
no major territorial wars in the house. He has taken over the
role of a guardian as far as the other cats are concerned .In the
evening he makes sure that all the others are inside the house
before the doors are locked for the night.


She came to us as a three week old kitten. She is Dobby`s
daughter and therefore very attached to him. She is very good
natured and loving . She loves bathing and easily makes friends
with humans. She is fond of meat mince and once she has had
her fill, she sleeps for the rest of the day. A very good thing
about her is that like other cats she does not wander off .She
stays within the premises of the house.


Bella also came to us as a full grown cat, and in a very poor
condition. She was probably kept chained and locked up for
days .She had lost most of her hair and whatever remained was
full of lice .She was thin and miserable with a terrible eye
infection. We washed and cleaned her, treated her eye
infection, fed her to bring her as she is now. She is aSloane,
and with very royal tastes and very specific likes and dislikes.
She is very loving but keeps her distance from humans as well
as cats and makes it quite clear when enough is enough.


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