Pizza Burger


I can't believe there are people who have new heard of a pizza burger before, but it's true! It's on every pizzeria/sandwich shop's menu in the Philadelphia region, but there are even people in Philly who have never heard of it.

It's actually one of the easiest recipes I've ever made. Forming the patty is probably the most difficult part. It's kinda hard for me to explain in words how to do it. You just press the center and pull it while spinning. Keep tucking in the ends until it forms a tight patty.

Most people only flip a burger once. I flip it several times. It seems to make it less hard on the outside. After I uploaded the original video on YouTube 2 1/2 years ago, someone said to never press on a burger because it losses the juice. I do because I like it kinda dry, and it helps cook it quicker and more evenly. I don't like beef juice dripping on my roll.


1/4 pound of ground beef (turkey or even bison works also)

1 kaiser roll

2 slices of provolone cheese

4 tablespoons of marinara sauce



Preheat over to 350°.

Heat dry skillet on medium.

Form beef patties as shown in video.

Cook beef patties in skillet until desired temperature.

Add marinara sauce on top.

Season however. Oregano is good.

Top with cheese.

Add burger to roll and bake a few minutes.

Yum Yum Yum!

Serve with these steak fries

Longer and more detailed videos on my YouTube Channel

My video is at DLive

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