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Portraits of Vietnam Steemians 2018


thank you @livvu , thank you for organizing this contest.
After reading the contest, I think I will write about someone who want to thank for the past time
It was a long time since i took part in VIET NAM community on steemit. I knew Viet Nam community from my friend. His name is @nguyen thanh
Before, there wasn't my posts tag VN , when i take part in VIET NAM community . I started use tag VN. In there , in Viet nam community on steemit, i was met many peoples, was learned a lot of things from the posts tag VN
I was met happy peoples,condescending peoples, however also there isn't people who i have ever talk with
A good person inspired me to join VIET NAM community . he is @dang007
who supported all my posts on steemit since i have took part in community. when i first came to know steemit , all my posts was't vote, the value of the article only reached 0,08- 0,09 $ is highest
althought those articles i have invested quite a lot of time and was wrote very heartily so i felt lose heart and i didn't write for a few months. My friends around me , they started write steemit and i saw that the value of their posts is high
No other one, it is support from @dang007, he help them for a long time, when i was known about that. it was time i return to steemit. The first few days when i wrote posts, the value of my article is not much. A few days late , i was introduced to VIET NAM Community by @nguyen thanh and he just for me to be on the list vote of @dang007 . I have commented on his posts after that he give me 3 days to comment posts tag VN . I did exactly what he said. I still remember that day at 9 am Viet NAM , a my posts was voted by @dang007
My first emotion on that day , i felt happy and lucky
After i was be on list vote , all my posts was voted by @dang007
He show me that my posts have value and i write more articles , almost everyday i write and post
Read people's articles in Viet nam and comment , through this, he gave me a lesson
It is " Do not be selfish,let's take care of other people"
Leave a comment on other someone else's post to let them know that Someone read posts and they They are also noticed
He gave rules on list vote. i made a mistake and i was out list vote . I think that i will be out forever but he still gave me a chance and continued to support my posts
I was known that he is VIETNAMESE AMERICAN . he want to help poor people such as student
I read a comment of between @dang007 and angelinafx in his contest
read comment I saw admire and respect him
He is good person , always think for others person, he support for Viet nam community
There is a meet up of VIET NAM community in HA NOI but i can't go there . He said that i have gone there if i want not be out list. I was blues , i have a test on next day so i can't go there. I knew that he want me go there to meet everyone , exchange and learn knowledge about steemit
He want me learn from experience for my self- develop on steemit

  • To day, in this post in contest'livvu i want to give thank to @dang007 - a good person
    i will sing a song give him. it's name song " CON YEU ME"- " I LOVE YOU - MOTHER
    I hope he and his family always happy , hope he will comeback steemit

Ngày xưa khi còn thơ bé
Con vẫn hay đòi mẹ khóc nhè
Để được mẹ dỗ dành
Và kể con nghe những câu chuyện cổ tích
Từng đêm mẹ vẫn ngồi đây
Để con được những giấc ngủ say
Luôn yên bình trong những giấc mơ đêm về
Tình yêu thương bao la mẹ dành tất cả cho con

Mẹ yêu hỡi những vấp ngã trong đời
Có lúc khóc, khi cười thì mẹ luôn sat bên
Những năm tháng tảo tần nuôi lớn con nên người
Trọn đời con sẽ mãi không quên
Và ngày mai khi đã lớn khôn rồi
Con sẽ cố bước đi trên con đường ước mơ
Con vẫn biết có mẹ kề bên và luôn sẻ chia
Con yêu mẹ nhiều lắm

My video is at DLive