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Montana Music: Complimentary Colors Live in Missoula


This weekend I was graced with the presence of my friends Camille and Ashley. They put on a really nice show with a few bands at a brewery near my house, so I recorded some of it , and am sharing it here exclusively! There will be additional videos, I will tag them all montanamusic!

This song is an original one by them, called "Not Coping Well."

Complimentary Colors is half from Portland, half from Montana. They came to town to visit and perform as a part of a label called Women Crush Music. They stayed at my house! They are my friends! I used an iPhone to record this so its not the best quality, but I think it comes through fine. It was one of the first nice spring days, so it was super packed and people were talking in the back near the beautiful riverside deck. But there were lots of people listening too. I am not sure why the video gets cut off here! I did record the whole thing, but it was on someone else's phone and this is the file I have. But at least you will get a taste of this music. More videos to come!

Look for Complimentary Colors and Women Crush Music online! This is just a taste of them so you can see what talent exists up here in the Big Sky State! I am so lucky to be surrounded by beautiful mountains, and amazing creative friends here!



My video is at DLive