Anime Aich cut cake on 'Beautiful' birthday

Celebrate the birthday of Animesh Aich with the stars. Photo: Collected

( Animas Aich is popular as a theatrical producer, but he is also a screenwriter, filmmaker and production designer. Wednesday (February 7th) was the birthday of this creator. He celebrated his birthday by cutting a cake with a flame star actress.

Social Media Facebook has expressed its gratitude on the birthday of a well-wisher and well wishers for a post on Facebook. At the same time, pictures of cake cutting ceremony have been published. In the photo caption he wrote, 'I am cutting a cake standing in the middle of the beautiful women. Shame or doubt can not say exactly. I am grateful to the innumerable people who have given me greetings on birthday. "He also wrote for the critically acclaimed actress, 'Awesome Beautiful', 'Dear Asha Habib, if you did not, then morning would not have been so sweet.'

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