Bad News: The Best Time of the Day to Drink Coffee Isn’t as Soon as You Wake Up

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Sorry, night owls, but scientists and nutritionists say you're not doing yourselves any favors when you fuel up on java as soon as you wake up.

I like to read story about coffee.
There is always something about coffee.
Either it is good for you or bad for you.
Lately I drink coffee with milk, no sugar what so ever.
The best coffee is the one you brew at home.
In the US most people buy their coffee from gas station, fast food, startbucks.
At the end it is all coffee that we consume at the wrong time.
At least some people take hours to finish that coffee.
I wish to consume tea instead but coffee is the thing in the US.
So the idea, take couple of hours before you drink coffee in order to benefit from it.
So if you have a jug from home, by the time you get to work you can start sip into it.
Keep on postin'

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