#ITRIEDIT Glycolic Acid Gel Peel 70%

Hey Everyone!


This is my first attempt to start up the #itried it category. I envision this tag being a place the community can go to read honest previews of products from each other since this community is based on trust. My first entry is on a Glycolic Acid Peel I am attempting to use to fade some scars I have on my arm.

This is my arm before the Peel:


I got these scars 4 years ago cooking for my husband. I forgot about the food I had cooking on the stove and hot olive oil splashed on me when I attempted to move the food from the oven top.


This scar on the inside of my arm is from a flatiron:


The scars don't bother me too much, but if there is a chance I can cheaply get rid of them I will. After some research I decided salon and medispa solutions were not for me due to the expense. Instead I decided to try a DIY solution.

I looked on Amazon and found this little ditty:


It had decent reviews, and for only 20 bucks was in my price range. I ordered the solution and it arrived in 3 days from when I ordered it.

The directions do not come into the box so you have to look them up on the QRxLabs website. They were pretty basic; wash area with soap and water, apply solution for 1 - 3 minutes, and then neutralize it. I didn't order the QRxLabs neutralizer, instead I used water and baking soda per basic chemistry.

Ater applying the solution I put an alarm on my phone for 3 minutes and waited; during that time my arm tingled and itched a bit, but nothing painful occurred. I neutralized my arm after the alarm went off and then washed it with soap and water. These are the results 24 hours later:


My first impression is that the acid Peel did not do much to fade my scars. This was not completely a shock to me as Glycolic Acid is one of the gentlest peels you can do. I am going to continue to apply the peel once a week and hope for the best. I will update you all with the results!

Please help grow this tag by creating an #itriedit post of your own!

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