Just Make it Yourself - Do what you gotta do..

So I am finally installing some wheels on my big double gate I built to make room for my parts truck on the side of the house. These gates are really heavy and like everyone from time to time, they need a little support. I finally pulled my head out and decided to get $#!T Done!!


For some reason I had these 1/4 inch this “L” brackets in a drawer... they have been there for years.. I packed them to Washington from California????? It’s been 7 YEARS!! Yes, I got them for free at work from a shipment of transformers, I know something good when I see it. Lol. They sure did come in handy today, I can tell you that much. :wink wink


I am hoping to pour a concrete slab in front of the gate.... more work.. Dang it!! Oh well, at least things are coming along. A little welding and some wood work and these gates will be tornado proof.... hurricane proof... dang, we don’t have any of that crap here... oh well they will be tough.. lol



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