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the gold line to the union station to catch the Dodgers express

So my uncle reminds me that we are going to the game today, I thought he was sort of upset over the fact I missed work a couple of days back. That means that I had to ask his mother if we could trade off days because today Thursday is her day of the week, I forgot to mention that I get Rhett every other day for 2 hours and 1 day outta da weekend.
So major change of plans, no metro gold line train ride,we decided to just drive all the way up to Dodger stadium.We made it on time to where as we were able to get the free giveaway promotion a gold Great Dodger moments commemorative coin series. A dated 1984 Olympic baseball host venues sponsored by 76 gas stations.showing the 5 stars that represents the Olympics.
Rhett got in alot with Uncle Ramiro as we call him Uncle Ram for short. Ram was the one who put this event together,good guy that Ram! Thank you to Uncle Ram Tia Marylouise ,Elisa,Lucy,Alyssa,And Naveah a bunch of preteen girls all Dodgered out cool!
Rhett had on his LA Dodger tee I got him for our last Dodger game we attended ,If I' m correct it was Vin sCullys last day of his carrier . I had on my old school black Dodgers tee w/ a plaid short sleeve but my Aunt started to harass me about my out fit,so they made me switch the plaid shirt and handed me a jersey . Grey jersey black Dodger tee,grey cargo shorts,blue sox,and my black and silver Nike Torch 4 air max. Feeling most fly.
As sad as it is or was the Dodgers lost to the Atlanta Braves 6-3 .But that never stops the spirit of Dodger Blue you know you see it coming around the the bend yes you guessed it The WAVE. Was in full motion.
Well Rhett had to use the restroom so I told Ram that We'll catch up with them at the "YUKE" the truck! Boy was that a huge quest it was boy; I'll tell you something we started at the left side of the stadium and we had a little walking to do,quite a distance I'd say so.Luckily I know my sense of direction. I can get to point A to point B IMG_20161103_175203.jpg. Its thinking bout the factors in this situation, Main factor in this conquest ;the two of us are over weight and the terrain is hilly hills of Los angeles mannnn! But we made it the same time as the rest of the circus so we round up all the clowns and headed out the fwy 110 which is an early model style fwy thinner lanes and boy the on ramps is like taking a life risk for some ,well my Uncle /Nino RAm time it well enough that we made but we were riding the curb and possibly the catwalk of the fwy wall ,,to close for comfort you know us chicanos we usually we ride low and slow, but that night we were more like rocketeers but we had fun most def. Los Angeles all the way baby, gotta represent the golden state of sunny California. It was a great night ,a great experience i'd say. untill my son request to call his mother to know her location and ETA, so while on speaker phone she states that shes over at the train station with her cousin Susanna. You have to remember that my son 's mother and I just finished our divorce in November of last year and I took the route of focusing on my special needs son and put aside my own needs and urges. Soon enough I will get back out there and play the field ,but on the real I just don't want to loose sight of my mijo ,my boy .
I see like this if and when I go out to search for that close to perfect woman ,I will start to devote a great percentage of my time and efforts into my new relationship and with that comes with wining and dinning this mystery woman so there goes a source of my cash flow just all for company and to expirence life after divorce for the 2ndt time around and also to release my manly needs,to relieve the pressure that has been built up for 3 years,to bond with the opposite sex to feel wanted to feel love and romance to just let go and go out for a night of dancing, a perfect night on the town.
Leading back to her place for a night cap and a romp around in between the sheets , and boy let e tell you thats been way over do If I do say so myself .Now don' t let me get side tracked yes it's been a nice minute since
I've been intimate with a female, but all leads to loosing sight on Rhett and that wouldn't be fair to my little boy ,You see my father passed away in the month of March 1976 and I was born in the month of June of 1976. I know how it is for a little boy to wonder where your daddy is while the rest of the kids got the oppritunity to play catch, to be a lil boy growing up in to adolesense becoming a man not having your dad run by all the ways of the walk like shaving,the bodily changes you start to notice and don't know how to strike a conversation about "hey mom so tell me whats this now? I am ,I'm growing hair in my genitals , and how the body starts to react differently hen it came to girls and the right and wrongs of how we should always show respect to the females because there comes consiqueinces if you violate their own personal space
But back to dropping off my son to his mother , she shows up with her loose cousin Susanna and low and behold I acknowledge Susanna and I start to rap to her you know just shooting the shit and then out of nowhere the back window which is tinted limo tint black ,rolls down slowly and there pops out a long headed old goat white guy trrying to get an word in edge wise but I blew him off like if I would have said excuse you can you not see that I'm tying to carry a conversation till you rudely interrupted like if it's ok " for you to speak.then I walked around the car which wasn't Esthers car, it was Susannas, now tell me something if you were going to go pick up a piece of ass and suppossedly it was named susannas friend , why would he be sitting in the back if it was the drivers piece of ass ,shit if my freak of the week was to pick me up and her cousin was tagging along for the ride i'd would say that theres a reservation for 1 in the back seat my sweet, Because I'm screwing
around with the driver you best know it that i'm sitting up front with my lady , So this retard tries to speak to my son stating that they had the chance of meeting each other when my son was at the age of 3 years old, Well slap me silly because at the age of 3 I was supposdidly happily married working over time during my lunch and my dinner hours every day .To be the bread winner , the bread winner you see I used to be a registered dental assistant working out of a private periodontal office over in the city of Pasadena,quite an experience and a privillage to have been part of the practice I did it for apprx. 3.5 years and then I guess I got burned out performing gingival surgical surgery like maintainindg a patients periodontal disease. it's not for everyone only the strong willed . so this punk ass chick explained to me that she never liked the fact that all my co-workers were all attractive young hot female assistants ,so she put the scenarios of me cheating on her whileat work when in fact I was given more than enough opprutunities to have cheated but my mind set was focused on my newborn son and my career and my commitment of matrimony .IMG__201510304__031811.jpgSo she put al that BS in her mind so she started to become premisquiose but nobody made advances to her advances saying how about your husband and you have a son an the bet one I thought we were only freinds, your moving to fast."Bitch ,they don't want your sad grey face. I know I married her for 8 years but there 's a explaination for all that, I 'll explain in the next chapter. Buti n all this punk nerdy old museum artifact was thinking he was going to intimidate me yeah ,20170628_132207 (1).jpg ME. You got it all twisted Woody from toy story,he looked exactly like woody but he was trying to pull off a general custard facial hair type deal. Anyways I didnt And don't want my son sitting in the back seat with some strange freak of the week piece off ass. Yeah shes just making her self look dumb like a unfit parent. but I'll close for now
