48 LAWS OF POWER LAW N ° 43 (Disarm and enrage with the mirror effect) #Part 03

Greetings Steemians, here again with the forty-fourth law PART 3 and the last, I hope you like it

Author of the book: "Robert Greene and Joost Elffers"

Warning: This type of book talks about how people can impose power over others, but the goal of learning is to have the point of view of the two sides of the coin, one can use it to your advantage or another that you do not allow others to use it with you, for that reason I only limit myself to let you know the summary of each law which will help both me and you and, it is your decision how to act on that since I do not agree on all the concepts raised and I think that you too will not be.

We will talk about the forty-fourth law part 3 and the last



Disarm and enrage with the mirror effect


Observance of the law IV
In 1583, after the death of his mother, Helena, the future Tsar Ivan IV (The Terrible) of Russia, at that time was orphaned at only eight years of age, and during the following years he found himself as the center of amusement of the princely class and the boyars.
Ivan ascended the throne after assassinating the boyar leader at the age of 13, and from that moment it became a tedious problem to subdue the power of the boyars, until their endless war against them awoke questions about authority and measures.
So he decided to abdicate and put Simeon Bekbulatovich in his place, one of the many generals there was.
Simeon tartarro of birth and sign of inferiority towards the subjects of Ivan, but he had nothing to do because previously they swore obedience to the new governor.
After some time Simeon adopted the image of Ivan as governor but he was not worthy because he did not possess the true power of one of such height.
For two years Ivan held the mirror of Simeon before the Russian people, the reflection meant: "that all the disobedience that had been done to me, now is seen with the incompetent real power that I now have"
Being treated in such a disrespectful way, Ivan did the same to these people, so in 1577, all of Russia demanded his return, to which Ivan accepted this time without any complaint or mockery of the people of Russia.


Ivan ruled very well for his early years, but as time passed that power was weakened by the demands demanded by the sector of society, and the intentions that Ivan gave to reach a solution were only means for the mockery of others , for this reason first to be very dispensable from society, Ivan abdicated, and as a second part he gave them a lesson by placing Simeon Bekbulatovich to manipulate him as a mirror of himself.
The throne had been ridiculed, so the Russian people learned the lesson and understood how badly things were doing so they asked that their sovereign return with the due respect that such a position deserved.
Therefore it is important to understand that people are always limited to their own experiences and the goal of power is always to lower that resistance by not imposing but giving them their own medicine by means of stratagems, which is to give them a lesson allowing them to open the eyes of others and turn seeing the ridiculousness of their actions

Observance of the law V
Dr. Milton Erickson, a pioneer of strategic psychotherapy, through the effectiveness of his indirect treatments, with the application of comparisons discovered in his patients the truth for themselves, which came out of resistance to change.
In the sessions with his patients, the doctor used to divert the dialogue to discussions outside the main problem, to more banal problems could be said to see that he failed in those small details the couple began to understand certain analogies with the problems in one of their cases with sexual ones.
The doctor in the following appointments tried in the most possible way to avoid the central problem with his patients so that they themselves realized that their small problems when fixing them such as a dinner since one liked to go leisurely in the intake of food and the other fast direct to the plate, so to agree and combine their preferences had a happy outcome because each had their preferences and that when they realized they approved sexual and resolved themselves, reflecting in bed the improved dynamics of the dinner.
In another case the doctor applied a variant of the mirror effect with a schizophrenic patient, the one who went into his world, to feel that empathy for the patient, since the patient reflected the life of Jesus Christ in its maximum expression, for which he dressed like him and he acted like him, giving to denote people who lived in a fantasy world that was antiquated for the time, for that reason the doctor told him "I understand that you have experience as a carpenter" As the patient was Jesus Christ, he nodded, Then he went to work in that office allowing himself to be like Jesus, after spending some time the patient was concentrated more in the work, rather than in the fantasies of being Jesus, but even though he could not get rid of them all, that was enough to work in the normally society.


A metaphor often reflects the concrete and real, that often the clearness of a description creates resistance.
It will create a more lasting change with the use of analogies, a mirror that symbolizes a situation and at the same time guides the other through it.
Change when dealing with people who live lost in their fantasies, do not try to break them into reality by destroying their mirrors, in contracting you acted with their rules and with subtlety try to show them the way to reality.

Observance of the law VI
Yellow Kid Weil, extraordinary swindler used the Trickster's Mirror in his most brilliant frauds, one of them was to reproduce a Bank in Muncie, Indiana, rent the same building in which the authentic bank was, contract players, bookmakers, girls of dating houses and other similar characters.
Because it was so real, Weil only hoped to hook up a wealthy person, until one day a client had an appointment with the "official" of the Bank, who kept waiting as usual, and while the victim waited, the Bank boiled of activity: the false clients came and went, made deposits, withdrew money until the victim deposited 50,000 dollars to the fictitious Bank, without the least remorse.


The reflection of reality contains an immense power of deception, the correct way to reflect that will be difficult to detect, and people will not be distrustful of everything since they have the need to believe and their first impulse is to trust, for this reason this type of trickster reflex is very dangerous.

The mirrors contain great power but at the same time they are dangerous depending on the situation to which it is reflected: such as they may be compared to an unpleasant person who occupied that position or played a role and most of the time will be lost in the comparison or he will appear weaker than the one who occupies that position, or ends up dishonored by the previous situations that that person to whom he compares him did.


It has been interesting to talk about this, well it was for me, I hope you liked it. So without more see you soon

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