My Masters' degree in EU Law

I wrote several times about the fact that I had enrolled in Masters' degree in EU Law at the University of Lorraine. I published here my "success certificate" after the first year and then, when the official title arrived (printed by the French National Printing House on special paper), I boasted again, in French this time

Now the second year ended in July already but I didn't get around to publish its results and the "success certificate" it generated, so here I go before the official diploma arrives

The issuer is the Université de Lorraine.

It says: the Director of the Center of European Studies certifies hereby that Adrian-Sorin Cristescu born on December 18, 1970 in Bucarest (Romania) was admitted at the level M2-European and International Studies PT EU Law (second of a two-year Master's degree) during the 2022 - 2023 academic year with the "Good" mention and has obtained 60 European study credits.

In the lower part it says it's been delivered in Nancy (France) on the 17th of October 2023 and it's signed by Yves Petit. It also has my student number (30613015) which can probably be used to verify the veracity of the diploma with the University itself

You'll note that this year my results were not as good as in the previous year, for accidental reasons. Below my grades in the different disciplines

Teaching unitGrade out of 20
TU 931 European Policies related to the Internal market (10 ECTS)16.67
TU 932 Implementation of the EU Legal System (10 ECTS)14.42
TU 933 EU Citizenship (7 ECTS)6
TU 934 Master Thesis (3 ECTS)18
Average 1st semester13.563
Teaching unitGrade out of 20
TU 1031 The European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (6 ECTS)17.8
TU 1032 Fundamental Rights in Europe / Europe as an International Actor (6 ECTS)13
TU 1033 Master Thesis (18 ECTS)17
Average 2nd semester16.4
Average 2nd academic year14.982

Certified true, done in Luxembourg the 11th of October 2023
Signed Catherine Warin
Academic Director of the MELS

You might have spotted it, I got a 6 (out of 20) in TU 933 EU Citizenship which proved a drag. The reason for that was the electronic examination, done through a "Moodle"-like platform. It either malfunctioned or I made a wrong manipulation and one of my papers for this TU was not registered. No one noticed until it was too late.

Anyway, with a general average of almost 15 out of 20 I still got one of the best averages so I can't complain.

So here it is, a toast to my new degree!

Source Pixabay

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