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Meet the Highest Lake in the World !!

Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca is located in the department of Puno at 3,808 masl, Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world and is undoubtedly the symbol of the Pune identity. Lake Titicaca in its deepest part, next to the island Soto in Peru, reaches the 280 there is something of 30 islands. The hydrographic basin that forms the Lake Titicaca has the length of almost 60 thousand km2 that extend in the plateau of the Collao, in the middle of the Eastern and Western ranges of the Andes.

Uros Islands

The island of the Uros is made of totora which has a thickness of almost 3 meters, the inhabitants increase every 15 days more totora so that you can continue living there.

On this island you can find people who sell their textile and their art made by themselves.

All his things are done mostly by totora (plant)

If you want you can take a ride on their boats the price can be 10 soles or 3 dollars you can go and see the landscape even better.

The Titicaca Diver

This species is unique of Titicaca only you find it in this place. This species of bird can not fly is very similar to a duck and to hunt it gets into the water and can reach up to 100 meters down.

Lately he is in danger because he is vulnerable.

Lost City of Lake Titicaca

Recently this city was found that was hidden in Lake Titicaca. There were stories of a city that existed in times past and apparently this city would be serious.

Years ago ubo a civilization here and was flooded and erased history but there is every thing we can find on the internet.

The tourist jetty

You can go for walks in your boats all over the lake.

La Taquile Island

The people in this place wear different clothes that identifies them if it is single or married. A tradition that they have.

The island is almost two hours away in the boat from the port, there you can find food and things that you can take home to your memories.


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