Lobitos 2121 Fund: Bitcoin & Ethereum wallet addresses

For transparency of the Lobitos 2121 Fund, we present the following wallet addresses for Bitcoin and Ethereum:

Bitcoin wallet: bc1qa3n4pjljh8a9yvfftdsqgzhtnvakc9mtm95azt

Ethereum wallet: 0x40510A20B7f71BEA0c1E6Ed6D9ec6Ce214933Dd6

Anyone is free to verify and monitor these accounts. The Bitcoin wallet is a long-term digital asset holdings wallet. This wallet in the future will be leveraged to generate funds for the local community of Lobitos, Peru. The Ethereum wallet potentialy enables access to defi/nfts/social etc that may enable the Lobitos 2121 Fund to grow further in value.

The Lobitos 2121 Fund accepts all digital donations.

Thank you.