Let's Have A Cocktail Party Friends!

            Image credit: Girl with a cocktail drink sketch by Pamela L. Abjelina 

Just would like to share to you my sketch and here, I sketched a pretty girl with a cocktail drink because she loves to have a party with friends. And sketching is one of my talents since I was in high school for it's fun to choose different colors and to have a beautiful art as well.

I like being creative and it's been a long time that I haven't use my pencil and paper but I'm delighted because I'm able to draw once again. You can encourage your kids, and your friends to develop their talent of being artistic and you can try to download a sketch app too. As for me, I'm fond of sketching girl stuffs like beauty and fashion and as for you, you can choose different themes to draw like birthdays, Valentines or Christmas similar stuffs too.

Here is a short video of my digital art which I will share with you. And hope you enjoy it.


I want to tell everyone that I accept orders from anybody if they want me to make a beautiful sketch for them. Just message me here or email me at pamelaabjelina3@gmail.com. It will cost $5 and just give me few instructions and the particular theme that you want me to work on like giving me a pattern or a photo of a cartoon character or anime for your order and it can be a gift for yourself or a special present to your friends, for your kids or for your loved ones especially those who loves art and who know how to appreciate art at the same time. I'll wait for it.

Video source: Capture Anything App- Sketch app from www.playstore.com

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