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The Story so far, or: My Way as an Artist


The Story so far, or: My Way as an Artist

First of all: ever since I was a little child I always loved to paint. All I needed were water colors and a sheet of paper. I also actually always wanted to study graphic design, but unfortunately they didn’t accept me at the university, so I studied history and got my master degree, but never stopped painting. I always figured out how to paint on my own without watching any tutorials back then. I just painted how I thought it looked good. I’ve spent ours experimenting with colors and textures. But as I opened an Instragram account I found many artists who inspired me with their style. So I started watching them: which colors do they use, which techniques. I started to develop my own style but also copied their style and motives to practice. In the beginning I painted many of my paintings with acrylic colors, after I watched many artists using gouache and aquarelle colors I tried these ones too.
Inktober empty.png

After I finished my history studies I desperately applied for jobs in the museum. In the back of my head I somehow had the idea that I’d like to create exhibitions so I could also create something creatively. I never got a job in the museum. In Germany you have to have a loooot of experience in the museum to get a job. But somehow it was fate, that my best friend asked me to work for their company. I started to create e-learning online courses, wrote the curriculum for an really ambitious project which helped teachers in adult education getting digitalized. In this company at one point I was put into another team, which created tutorial videos and educational graphics. One of the colleagues there saw my artistic talent before and often asked me, why I’m still in the other team, only writing texts for the courses. He teached me how to use Adobe Illustrator, I learned pretty fast, after two weeks he already said I could replace him if he would leave the company and that I’m really talented with graphics. So I also started to create digital art. The painting you see in my previous post is actually my really first digital painting.
Next thing I wanna do is to perfect my painting skills in both realms - digital art and real paintings.
And i wanne take you with me on this journey and show you my art and my progress. I hope you enjoy!

  • Anna