I thought I had lost my smartphone wallpaper for good. 🎁


It is my 46th birthday today, and I should say it is turning out to be pretty nice!

So, let's hear the story...

Some time ago, I had to do a complete reinstallation of the Sailfish operating system on my Jolla C phone, and while I did backup almost everything else. I for some reason hadn't backed up any of the photos I had taken in the spring of 2019, the time period that was between the previous wipe, and the new one.

I thought this wallpaper, and the original photo was lost forever.

But today, going through and checking my posts on the Hive blockchain for any nice photos I could use in my NFT project, I suddenly bumped into this post.

I had completely forgotten I had posted the original photo on Hive.

So here's the original!

It was shot with my phone, so the quality isn't exceptional, but it's a best of its kind. After all, the best camera is usually the one you have on you.

Since the first wallpaper was automatically cropped by the phone, I decided to make a new edit. I straightened the photo, softened the background a bit and then cropped it using the golden sections as my guides.

Here's the resulting wallpaper image:

If you want, you are welcome to take it and use it as a wallpaper too. Let's make it so that it will never disappear again!

Thank you all for your support!

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