A Dialysis Support Group Is Very Important For Every Dialysis Patient

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I am a member of a dialysis Facebook group, it is I do think one of the best facets of Facebook, which is to bring together people like in my situation and condition to help each others out with what we have to offer based in our past experiences as a dialysis patient.

Others are helping by telling others how to do certain things like for asking financial or medical assistance from Political entities, etc. Some are giving advices like what to do if they have this symptom or that symptom.

If I myself had been a part of such group while I was just starting up as a dialysis patient maybe my situation today would not be as bad because I would have learned some crucial factors for managing my health more.

But when I was just starting as a dialysis patient I am not able to go online because for one thing I could not afford to go online in those years plus I have no gadgets like a computer to use for that matter.


Image by No-longer-here from Pixabay

Being A Dialysis Patient Is One Of The Vulnerable Sector Of Society

So I would view that dialysis patients today particularly at these times in my country are far better off starting their dialysis today compared to about 19 years ago where at that time I wasn't even using a health insurance and all the payments came from out of pocket.

Thanks to my brother who at that point had been a crucial factor about my survival because he would take a loan that he can pay in increments and thankfully the ones that he took those loans from didn't take interests from the money they have loaned to my brother.

Now at least there is someplace that a dialysis patient here in my country can go to in order to learn about their condition, get advices from patients that are on dialysis for years already, gets information where to go if they need some financial or medical assistance, what other medicines to take to lower phosphorus, iPTH, or blood pressure or treat their restless legs syndrome, etc.

In that way they can make their lives more at ease compared to figuring it out from themselves what to do which happened to me.

But being a member of that group will also give you news that patients this and that died already. Sometimes they would post, you interact with them only learning after a while that they passed-away already which makes me sad naturally because even though you are not really friends and only friends online you are still affected knowing that they will not return anymore.

I am also happy in a way because at least they will not suffer the way I am suffering right now, having pains in my body and always getting the thoughts and feelings of the danger ahead uncertainty in my own future.

So for me if a dialysis patient will not get the Kidney transplant they should just die because of what I am experiencing, to save them from such catastrophe like what is happening to me.

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