Dhikr is the same as prayer, praying is not because we need something, but as a form of our gratitude to Him for giving so much enjoyment of life


The life we ​​have only once, and even then it is futures, it is still profitable if God gives us time to enjoy life more than 60 years, because the average person dies that age.

But there are those who are not up to that age, which is why we must always use the time we have as best we can.

Don't make our life become useless, just waste it without any righteous charity savings in it. And talking about life's wastefulness, of course we all don't want to live in vain.

Then do we know what we must do so that our lives are not redundant? Namely multiply by dhikr to Allah, always remember to beristighfar to him, because it is easy for us to sin against Him.

Why does zikr become the reference material to prevent our lives from being redundant? Because dhikr is the easiest thing of good, the dhikr can be used anywhere and anytime, it does not need to spend money or energy to do it.

Simply plant it in your heart, that with God, by remembering His greatness, and remembering His mercy we are always fine with His kindness.

That is why we must always take the time to dhikr, do not just fill in free time with dhikr, because nowadays waiting for free time is sometimes very difficult.

We sometimes say we are busy and we don't have time, even though if we really know how to find a gap to dhikr then that time will always be there.

Be aware, trying to remember God better than waiting to be reprimanded for remembering Him. indeed we we want to be reprimanded with calamity, with sadness, and pain just to be able to remember Him?

Well, if you don't want to, then before the exam comes, of course we must always remember Him, always take the time to refer to Him, so that we are always in His protection.

Because we are accustomed to dhikr to Him every time we have, then of course everything we go through in the world will be facilitated by God.

Dhikr is the same as prayer, praying is not because we need something, but as a form of our gratitude to Him for giving so much enjoyment of life.

And we also have to know, that with our growing in dhikr then any burden that comes to our minds will feel light.

Because the more our sense of awareness is to dhikr, the closer we will be to God, so we will never forget that God is always close to us.

So of course when we are always very close to God, then to do good things in life will always be easy, so that ultimately our lives are always meaningful and not wasteful.

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