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Sushiswap is now listed & trading on Polarity.Exchange

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With the rise of #Defi and the Uniswap protocol as a means of decentralized liquidity provider, on looking developers have taken upon themself to use Uniswaps open-source codebase to create their own Defi protocols.

One such protocol is Sushiswap which has gained some decent notoriety in the past weeks and has also been listed on Binance. The main difference in the functionality of the Sushiswap protocol is its native token sushi. Token holders gain the added benefit of collecting fees from all trades on the protocol as well as governance rights to influence the decision making of the devs on this new Defi protocol.

In an effort to buck the trend Polarity.Exchange has chosen to list sushi for their community to be able to store and trade in a decentralized environment.

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