RE: PREVIEW. Technical thinking about the future of the space. ... [ Word Count: 2.000 ~ 8 PAGES | Revised: 2018.12.21 ]

[More ideas than time. Had another good idea, I think. Will think about it some more later; Steem-as-post-it-note seems to be how I sometimes use this blog.]

There's a project: For making responsive front ends. By smalltalk guys. Javascript. (

It's basically done but the ycr team made no practical use of it ... yet.

Consider the token rewards for buying and selling in a marketplace with rewards used for web services, which is discussed above.

Thinking about it, would be interesting to see a developer to use lively to make a demo page of auction or shopping listings.

For example, each one a block of, say, an image, below it a price, below it possible tokens reward. And likewise some web service like listings. "Does ABC. Reward tokens needed: X."

A side panel on the right. Which is a desktop (lively) type environment.

Users should be allowed to drag listings there and connect them together and with web service listings, visually, using the lively framework. And user can do something interesting on connected listings. The idea being something like users get more reward tokens if connecting several things and buying them together, or they get more reward tokens to use on a web service, if they indicate the services they will be using the reward tokens for in advance. By connecting some listings with some web services before buying the listings. The greater number of tokens they get, then, however, can then only be used on those web services.

(Then the services-computing-via-cells database framework considered in the previous comment may be useful, even more than before, in the back end, for that kind of front end to run and scale. Cells accept partial computations, unfinished computations, partial results, propagating partial information, which however can be completed by information in other cells, if they are neighbors of the same service. Maybe services should do higher order operations like change which other services are connected or not to which cells/minidatabases. Arrows between arrows. Cells as smart databases, and the way links are formed could implement nicely some of that kind of tying. Hmmm.)

Maybe have the content of listings in the demo be posts via blockchain. Like Steem. Which are parsed by the front end. Such content would be much less mutable and time stamped.

Lively team may be quite happy to suddenly have a use case for lively with potentially a great amount of users. Meanwhile lively used in the above manner seems like it may facilitate a shopping and services experience that differentiates itself from the rest.

I want to think more about this.

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