Why should you devote to side projects

At school, my friends once called "girl who has habit of doing things" me, all because I always inscribed in extra-class activities, postulating me representative invent plays and dance performances. At the time I was a little embarrassed, but now I think grace. True, I have mania to do a lot of things at once.

The only thing that has changed the school to here is the type of activity with which I am involved. The truth is that I need to be involved with things that motivate me and these side projects that now and again I invent are a great fuel for my life.

The 360

itself, for example, started as a side project in which I used to work after hours, before it was converted in my work. When this happened, I spent time working on it until just emerged that itch again and I decided to devote myself to writing. So I created another blog, the Oxford Comma, and began to attend courses, workshops and reading books on the subject.

In the meantime, I also learned Spanish, challenged me to read a book a week for a year and became involved in a magazine project on alternative culture for the post. In the future, I want to learn photography and guitar. Ufa! The list goes on and I am convinced that it is important for us to grow as a person and follow in love with life. The benefits that parallel projects bring in are almost the same to travel, but without


Parallel projects: why do we need them?

Job, career and home may not be as rewarding

The routine work home, home to work, can be somewhat frustrating. There are people that takes place in the profession or devotion to family and that's great. For others, however, only be tied to everyday activities can be a bit frustrating and demotivating.

Can get home or terminate the obligations and engage in activities that are only pleasurable and final point is a great outlet for the stress of everyday life. Believe me: it's therapeutic. Moreover, in almost all cases our official work does not cover all areas of interest of our lives and a parallel design is a great way to meet an interest or personal goal.

It is an opportunity to connect with people with similar interests to their

Your social circle will expand considerably from the moment you begin to engage in side projects. Your project will force you to put your face in the sun and go to events, fairs, lectures and other activities. Even if you choose a solitary activity, you may contact people with similar interests to their discussion groups on the Internet, for example.


You get a source of passion, achievements and goals
When people enter the labor market, personal achievements opportunities fall sharply, leading to career growth and professional achievements. When was the last time you did something just for you, from start to finish? How many times have you out of your comfort zone and learn something new was in the last three months? Maybe you have this list of things you need to do before you die and she always runs in the background because of work. Well, it's time to take these paper designs.

It makes your life (and you) more interesting
People with side projects are people with diverse interests and goals. And that's a hell of a topic of conversation. In addition to force you to learn more about different subjects, your friends and people you just met will want to know more about it, their progress and achievements. And it has nothing to call more attention to a conversation I hear someone speaking passionately about something.

Your project can help you professionally or become a second source of income
This is not something mandatory. After all, the goal of having a parallel project must be devote to something just for ourselves and not a professional lever. But sometimes, your project ends up benefiting you in your profession - directly or indirectly - or becoming a second source of income. 

Your designs can also give you ideas to work, force you to learn skills that will help you get a job or promotion, show a super business opportunity or help you figure out what you want to do in life.


You will have fun

And this is perhaps the most important item, right?

Encourages creativity

Creativity flourishes where there is curiosity, learning and connection between ideas. A parallel project will provide it all. In addition, you will work more freely with no strings attached, rules and deadlines set by anyone but yourself and that's the way to creative freedom.

How to choose and engage in a side project

Explore ideas

A parallel project has nothing to do with you follow him, except his own motivation. Therefore, look for something to fall in love and give thee reason to follow even when you are tired, discouraged or thinking of throwing it all up.

But the big question is: what project would that be? Make a list of everything you like to do someday in life and go writing down ideas as they arise. Start working on them when the will or the circumstances permit. There's nothing wrong with experimenting with different designs until you find one that makes your eyes sparkle. Or even engage in several at the same time.


10 parallel project ideas to inspire you to find your

Choose a topic that you fall in love and start a blog, a instagram, a podcast or a channel on youtube about it.

Create a mobile app that you believe need to exist.

Learn something you always dreamed of: photography, languages, painting, singing, a musical instrument, cooking, sewing, design, dance, martial arts. Today you can start learning almost any free thing on the internet. When you are sure you want to follow it, you can search for other courses or ways to improve yourself.

Practice some sport and have a goal to him (not just go to the gym because you are required). It may be, for example, running a marathon or participate in a particular competition.

Challenge yourself to read a book a week or view all movies from a list of essential long history of cinema.

Write a novel, short stories or poetry.

Get involved with social or environmental causes that motivate you. Volunteer or activist.

Organize an event in your city.

Get a DYI decoration project to leave your home with your face.

Record a song you wrote or go show your music to any audience.

Create time for your project

Lack of time is probably the biggest excuse of humanity. It is that in fact, lack of time does not exist. Everyone from you and Beyonce, has the same 24 hours a day. What exists is a lack of priorities and mismanagement of time. I can not give moral lesson to anyone because I have already lost a few months rolling the Facebook screen to up and down like a zombie. But the important thing is that once you are aware of it, you know that time is created.


Everyone has family, dog, work and 10 series of seasons to catch up on. What differentiates a person full of projects of other passing days and days lying on the couch with dirty pajamas (love it!) Is the motivation and organization. Create a schedule or a routine to devote to this project. It can be a flexible routine, of course, but force yourself to devote to it a few hours a week to be. With three hours a week already gives to do much, if you have focus.

Usually, when I start a project, I am always excited and full of energy. This tends to disappear or decrease over time. So take advantage of this initial urge and dedicate yourself intensely to what you want to do in the beginning.

If the challenge seem monstrous, it divides the project into small and simple tasks helps a lot. Try to establish tasks that can be performed in a short time, at lunchtime or during a short break in the rush of everyday life. Take advantage of the resources you already have. Any progress is progress. In tarefinha in tarefinha you see the thing taking shape. And when you begin to see concrete results, it is much more difficult to throw in the towel.

Photos: Shutterstock and public domain

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