RE: Hive is grassroots democracy - thoughts on originality, work, and value added

Value" is highly subjective. Everybody decides for him- or herself how much some thing is worth and decides accordingly (rational or not).

This is very true as it’s both on the buyer and seller to evaluate how much something is worth to them and be able to find a common ground to make trade. It’s also how the economy works in terms of supply and demand. If a content is of value and appeals to someone(the readers) then he’s(they are) allowed to upvote it, and if it’s not, he(they)can just ignore. And that would tell on the writers votes and vote value count, if a content is being voted on hive it means someone sees it and they found or gained something of value from it.

But then, these are just my open onions as the way Hive seems to work kinds of keep people away rather than giving people a chance.

Have a great week ahead 😎

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