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#Detox your body & armpits to rid yourself of all those toxins..

Sorry guys, I know I am a bit late in typing out this detox story for you all.


Lets all be like the girl in the picture above... live, laugh and most of all love yourself!

Below is a diagram of your lymph nodes.


We tend to put a lot of strain onto this system of ours through the use of deodorants, creams and many other "hygiene" products we use in our daily routines..

When we put strain on our lymph system, the nodes need to find another way to work out the waste that's built up.

This leads to very serious health problems later on in life..

We think that if we use a deodorant and suppress the sweating smell we have solved the problem. WRONG! Our bodies are a lot smarter than we give them credit for. nine times out of ten if you are having bad body odour its your body telling you that it is already overloaded with toxin build ups and needs to shed them, best way out is through the bowels or the skin in form of sweat.. mostly if you are so overloaded with toxins already, then your more likely also suffering constipation.

So.. we apply roll on's to suppress it but our body goes into overdrive when these chemicals from the standard roll on's hit our skin, and produce even more odour and sweat in it's efforts to detox us.

Surely most of you can remember at least one person if not yourself somewhere in life smelling of onions and garlic. They always suffered terrible sweating and body smell. No matter how many different products their mother bought them they just didn't seem to suppress the smells.



Step 1. Increase your daily water intake to at least 6-8 glasses per day.


Step 2. Dry brush your body with a soft nailbrush/body brush at least once or twice a week before you take your shower/bath.


Step 3. Make sure your bowels are working at least once every second day, depending on how severely blocked up your colon is.. for severe cases it would really benefit you to do a organic coffee enema.


Step 4. Try to cut down on your simple sugars and junk foods,, even if this is just for a period of time.. It will be so good for your poor overloaded body!


Step 5. STOP using deodorants containing aluminium and other harmful chemicals, I promise you that once your body has cleaned itself you will not stink at all. If you prefer to go as natural as possible then simply apply bicarbonate of soda under your armpits before dressing for the day as a replacement for deodorant.


Step 6. Wear cotton clothing.


Step 7. Take a good probiotic along with mutivitamin and mineral supplement daily.


Step 8. This one is important to me, please at least twice a day look in a mirror and no matter how many issues you find with yourself, tell yourself you are beautiful and perfect in every way possible. I know this sounds ridiculous to many who will read this, but accepting yourself is a very big part of allowing your body to heal itself inside and out.


Step 9. If you can find Bentonite clay, any locally dug up natural clay, activated charcoal.. you can mix one of these up into a paste and apply it onto your armpits and leave it until its dry. Wash it off with nice warm water and make sure its completely dry before applying some more bicarbonate of soda.


This detox routine is very simple and helpful.

If you could, please try to eat at least 1 tspn of organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil every day. Before swallowing the oil let it just swish in your mouth a few times first.

Coconut oil has amazing benefits to your health all round..

Hope you enjoyed this article xoxo

Lots of love,