Caspian mediaworks contest

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The Caspian token (CSP) is an ERC-20 objection token to be issued on the Ethereum blockchain. The CSP token model has been planned to serve a couple of chief goals. In the broadest sense, the goal is to interface Caspian's best-in-class convenience with a token that lifts organize utilization and what's more, the change of momentous untouchable instruments and features. Specifically, the token is relied upon to make a rich, participatory organic network where arrange customers too advance toward getting to be organize people with a working eagerness for the stage. This is accomplished by giving the token customer to-organize utility (markdown and organization) and customer to-customer/creator utility.

This contest is a graphics design contest and here is my entry

The reason for my design: caspian means to bring the best to the people thats why they came up with a blockchain like theirs and i use the fork and ribbons to represent the beat they are here to offer in a place full of colours. For more information on caspian visit


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