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Thursdays Thoughts | Depression Part 1

Thursday Thoughts


Depression Part 1

Ok look guys...

I just survived nearly 4 years of the worst depression I've ever even witnessed.

I'll first refer back to a seemingly unrelated post...

In this post I go over "Who Should You Listen To?".

When we want to learn specific things or get through something we will sometimes turn to someone else for insight.

For that person to be the most beneficial to us in that thing, they should have what we want AND have been where we are.

All that said, like I mentioned above, I just went through nearly 4 years of extreme depression.

I'm also not depressed anymore. I have things to look forward to each day and I'm able to finally just live my life.

I'm not 100% better in all aspects of my life, but I did overcome a bout of depression that I thought would actually kill me.

So, if you are depressed right now and want to be through it...

Then I'm likely someone you'll want to listen to about it.

Because I have what you want (I'm through my depression), and I've been where you are (severely depressed for literally years).

So where do we start?

Well, I figure you all need a bit more from me than just me telling you I was depressed.

So I'm going to start with some of my story, how and why I got depressed, things I did that made it worse and so on.

I expect this talk about depression to last through several posts. It's not a series in itself, rather a section of a greater series for Thursday Thoughts.

We will continue the depression topic for a while because I feel like I have a lot to share about it, and there are likely to be many people out there going through it.

I'm sorry to any of you that don't like waiting a week for the next post on this, or future, topics. I really can't talk about this stuff daily. It takes the right moments and having a week between can allow me to pour it out as I feel it.

Depression is a real son of a bitch.

It takes hold over a person. It really don't matter how strong you think you are either, it can get hold of you.

It's tough to navigate so I want to cover as much about it as I can.

This post is sort of just an intro to this discussion.

For some of you, I'll have some of the answers you're looking for. For others I won't.

However, if you're depressed now and don't want to be...

It would be smart for you to pay attention to this series.

I'll get into some hard truths.

I may make you cry...
I may make you pissed...
I may even make you hate me...

But if you're willing to see my battle, relate it to yours, and hear some of the hard lessons I had to learn...

Then you'll get to a point like I'm at now, a point finally able to just live your fucking life.

That's it for today. Next Thursday I'll start to dive into what depression is.

Tomorrow is another day folks... don't worry, you got this.

Thursdays Thoughts | Depression Part 1
by Michael David
Co-founder of #thealliance and loyal since before the egg.





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