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Kate Spade Kanye West & The Money Isn't Everything Buzz

In light of the tragic Suicide of Mogul and fashion Icon 55 year old Kate Spade it has once again opened a relentless slew of the "Seeeeee Money Isn't Everything."ERS', and the "I just can't understand , She had Everything."ERS.

Two opposing and diverse perspectives in the world of clear and present Depression. There are those that get it, and those that simply don't.

The people who understand how someone with wealth, love, family, power, and more, can still be miserable, anxious, awkward, and feel out of place in the world, are usually people who at some point in their life have suffered from depression, anxiety or both. That doesn't mean those who can't wrap their mind around the idea of ending their life with millions in the bank, are not sympathetic or have never suffered issues like mental illness, depression, loss and the like. They just are those who typically fancy the notion that Money solves problems. It's a fun notion don't be mad at them.

We live in a world where fantasy dominates. From the imaginary cyber life, to the fantastical world of television and movies, many people are bought and sold on the idea that luxury and extravagance, jet setting and fine wine, are the ultimate happiness that life has to offer. This couldn't be further from the truth. Like a one night stand, luxuries too only offer temporary pleasures, at the end of the day even the richest man must deal with the confines of his very human mind, and the chemicals and complexities of it's humanity.

Keep in mind that often people with Clinical-Depression suffer from a Chemical imbalance in the brain. While beauty may surround them on all sides, the brain is pummeling them with as much negativity as it can latch onto, even creating scenarios that are not real, enhancing little problems and making them seem earth shattering, un-fixable, worth ending ones life over. Minor things like not wanting to go to a party because of the anxiety of seeing someone you don't like , and not wanting to disappoint others by saying your not going. To a rational person simple solutions are there, but to a person with anxiety and depression this is an issue that can keep them awake at night, give them panic attacks, even cause them to end their life.

When you've had success or achieved something great and still were not happy, you get a glimpse into the world of the Kate Spades and the Robin Williams and the Heath Ledgers of life. Watching the spiraling slides of people like Kaye west it is easy to try to discount his creative Genius because of his very honest and open admission to struggling with mental Health issues, but is the way we crucified him in public the very reason so many others choose to suffer in silence rather than be torn apart by the public the news and social media for admitting they are suffering. You come to realize how one can be at the top of the world and still feel terribly low, and it is perhaps even worse then never reaching the top at all, because now you've climbed a mountain only to discover there is another mountain to climb.

The important thing we learn from this is #SaySomething If you think someone is feeling depressed or isolating themselves try to reach in. If your feeling like you could hurt yourself or if you feel alone or you feel you need to talk #SaySomething to someone. There is a saying in the bible I love and I've found to be the Gospel truth "It is not good that man should be alone." We have each other Let's Love each other while we still can.

Seek and you will find,