Only A Dentist Can Get Your Teeth Their Whitest!!


One of my favorite procedure that I really loved to assist is when performing Tooth Whitening or Tooth Bleaching.

Today, unexpected patient walk-in and asked about tooth bleaching, and to make the story short, we performed tooth whitening as what patient's main complaint or concerned.


This is the laser machine that we used for tooth whitening. The Zoom Advance Power. It takes 45 minutes to whiten the teeth for 3 cycles. In every 15 minutes it automatically stop. The preparation for another cycle should not be too long..


There she is, the first cycle of tooth whitening. Waiting for 15 minutes for the machine to stop. Tooth whitening will not take long, if you think the teeth are already whiten in the 2nd cycle, then there's no need for you to proceed for the last cycle.


Here is the result, the final result of tooth whitening, by the way, we performed this one is just 2 cycles. We don't need to proceed to the next cycle, coz the teeth was whiten already and the patient is really satisfied for the result.

Only a Dentist can get your teeth their whitest!

I recommend this Zoom Machine for those who would like and plan to have their teeth whiten.

Thank you guys for taking a pause and read my blog today. God Bless!

Made and Owned by @dunsky

Made and Owned by @dunskyVote for @good-karma witness


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