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Why can delegating my HP be useful? To support others and receive rewards!

With this post I want to explain why it can be useful to use delegations in your Hive journey. If necessary I will edit it over time to improve it because I intend to use it as a deepening in my posts on delegations.

Why can delegating my HP be useful?

  • To help independent and promising projects on Hive and make decentralization possible in the form of community support. Through your HP (Hive Power) delegation they will borrow your RC (Resource Credits) and VP (Voting Power) for their growth goals.
  • If you have a lot of HP and don't want to be an assiduous curator, you can avoid leaving it unused and receive rewards in exchange for your support.
  • If you're low on HP and your RC is enough for your daily use, you can avoid losing your curator rewards when the posts or comments you vote don't hit the $0.02 minimum payout and receive rewards in exchange for your support.

Can I delegate my RC only?

Of course! Resource Credits are very useful for projects that write a lot on the Hive Blockchain. However, most of the projects find a strong advantage in also using the Voting Power to develop their business so you may find few accounts willing to pay only for your RC delegation.

How will my delegations be used?

This is quite a difficult question because it is not always easy to figure it out. I advise you to choose not only on the basis of the promised rewards but also on the way in which your delegation will be used based on the information provided through their accounts (I invite you to visit their profile pages or their official websites to find out more). So do your own research and evaluation before delegating. Also, if you look only at the APR, keep in mind that historical results do not guarantee for the future.

Where can I find accounts that pay for delegations?

You can use Hive's search tools or search through delegation tags. If you want you can also follow me @bombus on Hive, I intend to write a periodic update (at most once a week) on my delegations, perhaps you may find it interesting.

I hope I was helpful,
Bye and see you around!

Do you have experience on Hive?
Feel free to leave your suggestions, I'm here to grow and improve.

New to Hive? Here is what I learned to have a good stay here:
🔸Do not copy/paste & Do not spam & Do not flood
🔸Take your own photos or, if necessary, use the copyright-free ones
🔸Do not upvote your own posts and comments
🔸Interact with others & Do it in a meaningful way

Thank you!