How to create a Presale, Buy, claim and get a refund.

Dififunds is unique for it simplicity, using the platform is easier than frying a french fries. In this post we will guide you on how to successfully create a presale, buy and claim a token as well as claiming a refund.

Basic Calculations to note when calculating hardcap, token price, number of tokens to be sold and liquidity.

•No of Token for sale X Price = Hardcap

Example: 5000 Tokens X 0.05 = 250

•Hardcap ÷ Price = Tokens for sale

Example: 250 ÷ 0.05 = 5000 Tokens

•Hardcap ÷ Token = price

Example: 250 ÷ 5000 = 0.05

Liquidity allocation calculation

Example: A project with the above hardcap is selling 5000 Token at 0.05 per token and listing on uniswap at 0.055 per token and also locking 25% for liquidity. Here's how to calculate the liquidity.

Hardcap(250) X 25% = 62.5

62.5 ÷ 0.055 = 1136.3636

Total token required for a successful presale is 5000(tokens for sell) + 1136.3636 (Token for liquidity) = 6136.3636

How To Create a Presale

  1. Make sure you are connected to the right Blockchain

  2. Goto the Create Presale page and click on Connect, the connect button will then turn to Approve.

  3. Fill in the Token Contract Address, Sale Title(project name), Token presale price, Address where unsold tokens will be sent, minimum and maximum investment amount per wallet and Presale open and close time.


Fill in the whitelisting section (Optional).


Fill in the listing rate, amount of tokens to be locked in %, the Presale listing time on Dex and the duration of time to lock the liquidity.


Fill in the Social links, Audit Report, Team member page link or Influencers discount code when available.


Click The Approve button and the click create.


Well done 👍, you have successfully created a Presale and will be redirected to the sale page.


How To Buy, Claim Token get Refund

On the token presale page, scroll down to the buy token tab, write the number of token you want to buy and click on BUY.

On the same section you can also claim your token or refund by clicking on there respective buttons.

You can also find more information about the Presale on the sale information tab.



• All section marked as * are compulsory
•You need to manually add the token to your wallet after claiming you token though you will be able to see your balance on etherscan
•Refunds can only be requested if the project team decide to cancel the sale Or if Softcap is not reached.

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