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Aavegotchi beginner's guide


Aavegotchi is a defi-staked Crypto collectible game that is integrated in polygon, formerly Matic.

Aavegotchi is a Tamagotchi-in inspired NFT that contain real financial value distinct from the speculative value of NFTs.

Polygon (Matic) is a layer-2 scaling solution blockchain that utilize sidechains for off chain computation while ensuring maximum asset security using a decentralized proof of stake system.

Polygon is compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine which allow transfer of assets and existing decentralized applications without any major changes in the coding from the Ethereum blockchain to the Polygon Blockchain.

Aavegotchi, is a defi-gaming NFT collectible which combine decentralized finance (staking) with NFT collectible in a gaming system.

The Aavegotchi is powered by aToken which is regarded as Spirit Force in the system. Each Aavegotchi must be staked with a certain amount of spirit force in order to be claimed from the portal.

How do I get onto this amazing project?

Yes, it is amazing because it combine gaming, NFT and Defi.

To get started, you will need Ether.

You can get Ether from Binance with your debit or credit card.

You can so get Ether through any available means in your country.

Note that after getting the Ether, you will need to get the remain process done on Polygon.

To make the step easier, download metamask and transfer your ether to your metamask wallet.

How do I get onto Polygon?

The whole transaction will be done using Polygon.

Why is Aavegotchi built on Polygon and not Ether?

In order to maintain the cost of running the game, there is need to consider the gas fee required for transaction and Matic offers the most lower transaction fee while maintain a direct transfer from the Ethereum blockchain.

After having you Ether in your metamask wallet, you will need to change the Blockchain from Ethereum Mainnet to Magic mainnet.

  • Go to settings
  • Click on Network
  • Click on Add network and configure it with the Matic Mainnet as shown belown.

Network Name: Matic Mainnet
Chain ID: 137
Symbol: MATIC
Block Explorer URL:

Follow this guide on how to move your assets from Ethereum main chain to Matic Mainnet using Quickswap dex.

How do I get Aavegotchi?

You are now a step closer to having your staked-NFTs Aavegotchi but you will need GHST, the native token of Aavegotchi to carry out the rest of the process.

How do I buy $GHST?

  • Visit Quickswap from your browser on metamask
  • Connect your metamask wallet.
  • Swap your ETH for $GHST (Your ETH will still be available, you only moved it from Ethereum main chain to Matic Mainnet).
  • Approve ETH using $matic
  • Confirm Swap.

How do I get Aavegotchi?

After successfully swapping,

  • Visit Aavegotchi
  • Click on Play
  • Click Gotchi Baazar (Baazar is an open marketplace where you can buy and sell portal, aavegotchis, wearables among others.
  • Buy a portal (You can either choose to buy a closed portal or an open portal. An open portal contains ten different Aavegotchi from which you will select one and the remaining nine will be destroyed forever.)
  • Choose your Aavegotchi
  • Stake your Aavegotchi with aToken.
    You have successful buy a portal and summon an Aavegotchi.

What is the benefit of using Aavegotchi?

Earning is one of the most important thing while majority are into cryptocurrency but rather than earning a lot of people seems to lose their funds due to some reason which might include loss in trade, impatience and sometimes, most people have to wait for long before their can be a return on their assets.

In order to earn more profits, staked Aavegotchi earn interests as long as you hodl your Aavegotchi.

Note: You did not buy Aavegotchi, you staked it and it yields a tokens.

Another way to earn more money on aavegotchi is by making your Aavegotchi unique by selecting a name and using wearables which make your Aavegotchi become more unique.

Each Aavegotchi are unique but giving yours a name makes it more unique and there can only be one name on the Aavegotchi network.

So imagine naming your Aavegotchi, Justin Sun. Justin Sun can no longer name his own Aavegotchi Justin Sun again so he might be interested in buying your Aavegotchi which you determine the price and transfer ownership.

Is that not cool?

There is no going back, set up your own Aavegotchi and earn whether the market is bullish or bearish while enjoying NFT collectible in form of Aavegotchi and also gaming.

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