Spotted A baby deer on my walk to work

Good evening community and welcome to my blog.

It has been a good few days since I have blogged and you are maybe curious to what I have been doing recently.

The truth is, I have landed a new job and because I now have a job I have been so busy c&i haven't had as much time as I used to have when blogging before.

So one of my goals now is to practice allocating/getting things done blogging wise in specific time slots.

Anyways on to the post for today.

So my job isn't extreme only a 25 hour work week, that means my shifts will be around 5 hours long each day and for fivr days a week.

Mostly my shifts are early mornings till early afternoon with the occasional afternoon to evening.

Because of early starts I have of course been getting up really early sometimes as early as 6 a.m. and walking to work.

My motorcycle is still broken and I'm still looking for a cheap bicycle for my commute. Luckily it's only a 15-minute walk and to get there it's pretty simple as it's just 1 long path which avoids all traffic and people in fact it's so early that I rarely see people around.

I spotted a deer instead!


I managed to quickly snap this photo of the deer running away as I got too close to it I was surprised that I got so close to it as at first it didn't seem scared. It had been the first time I had seen a deer in quite some time too normally because I never went out in the early mornings.

This wraps up my post thanks for reading.

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