What comes into your mind when you hear the words, "Infierno", "Purgatorio" and "Paradiso"?


Yes. Dante Alighieri and his Divine Comedy.

Considered as Italy's greatest poet, Dante Alighieri ( 1265 - 1321 ) was the scion of the Florentine family who mastered the art of lyric poetry at an early age. His first major work, " La Vita Nuova ( 1292 ), was a tribute to Beatrice Portinari, the greatest love of his life.
Dante's political activism resulted in his being exiled from Florence, and he eventually settled in Ravenna.

Here the Divine Comedy, - The Infierno, The Purgatorio and The Paradiso, was written between 1308 and 1320.
This is the plot of his famous divine comedy:

The Infierno

  • Dante, with the great poet Virgil as his guide begins his journey to spiritual enlightenment by descending into hell and discovering the reasons for eternal punishment. ( The 9 levels of hell )
    The Purgtorio

  • Dante continues his journey through purgatory and learns to accept life's burdens lightly, as a matter pf faith in God's divine wisdom.
    The Paradiso

  • Upon entering Heaven, Dante sees the perfection of God's creation and rejoices in the revelation of his goodness and mercy.


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