CONVOY! The revolution of the truckers

There has always been discussion on the right side of the political side that the cities could be starved out if things really got out of hand

The lines supplying the cities with food, water, and power are depressingly easy to cut. Yet, in this time of leftist/globalist subversion of the nation's police, and propaganda lies about "brutality" and "racism", a previously unconsidered option presents itself.

The nation's truckers are speaking up for their own safety, at least.

Truckers are promising to bring freight deliveries to a screeching halt in any city that cuts or disbands its police department, a new poll shows.

Three out of four long-haul drivers told CDL News, a website for the commercial trucking industry, that they would fear for their personal safety if a city slashed its number of cops in response to the demonstrations nationwide against police brutality.
Truckers wouldn’t deliver to cities that defund police, poll suggests

As of June 13, 2020, we’ve had over 1,283 respondents and 79% say they will refuse loads to cities with disbanded or defunded police departments.
Truck Drivers Say They Won’t Deliver To Cities with Defunded Police Departments

ZeroHedge provides these quotes:

"As American Truck Drivers I feel we have the power to Stop all this that's going on! Park you Truck until the RIOTS STOP HAPPENING!," app user Albert T Pearl wrote.
"Unless my company starts allowing me co carry my gun in truck I won't do it," Robert Adkins wrote.
"Fuck those liberal assholes," David Simpson wrote.
"No cops= more Violence and targeted robbing," Scott Cuellar wrote.
"No I will not deliver to an area with a disbanded police department. My life matters and i do this for my family," wrote Casnpaper.
"I just turned down a load from Miami to st paul paying 3800 my life matter more than any other," wrote Carlos Barreras.
"Nope no load is worth my life," wrote Eddie Bean.

Truckers remember this injustice, even as the modern liberal excuses it.

This would be devastating to the idiots creating this mess, even to the self-proclaimed "elite"

It was essentially a trucking strike that brought down leftist tyrant Allende.

Chile Calls Truck Strike ‘Catastrophic’(1973)

If it gets to a point where Democrats starve in their cities, you can expect cheaper goods in Republican cities due to less goods being wasted in those shitholes.

Supply and demand at its finest.

And it's not like there aren't other reasons truckers might hate not ONLY the rioting garbage, but the limosuine liberals supporting the rioting garbage

Keep On Trucking!

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