Want to leave this here as it is updated regularly. CONVID 1984


Forget the above image. not even bothering to research it.

Many on the left side are like prove your point and show me stuff you found. Show me stuff you can prove.
Bit like saying "I am a lazy tosser" is it not.
Research it yourself!

This is probably the last article I will write about this. Just getting bored of it all now. And have 55 motorbikes to take care of soon.
I bought them all. I earned the crappy Fiat. My choice my life.

I had sunlit7 or what ever her name is sending me her supposed proof convid1984 existed.

She no longer speaks to me. Oh well.

Is this science lady?


On March 1, 2021 once again the CDC made clear that they still have no records of “SARS-COV-2” isolation performed by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever… just not in so many words. Instead, the CDC absurdly implied that isolation of “SARS-COV-2” would require the replication of a “virus” without host cells and thus is impossible.

March 3, 2021: CDC again fails to provide/cite any records describing “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification by anyone anywhere ever… BUT will no longer simply say so (as they did back on November 2nd); instead they give song and dance and cite their own fraudulent study (by Harcourt et al.):

There is nothing I do that does not leave a trail of transparency. I made that token because it is just that. TPY

I want no part in a face nappy diaper world.

Take risks. We all die one day anyway.
Old Freddie Mercury sang "who wants to live forever" I certainly do not want to.

The site will be updated on a regular basis.

8 times I asked the UK gov via a freedom of information request what proof they have convid exists. 8 times they said no they do not have proof.

The truth will always out and history is no fool.


If so called science is now growing things in monkeys kidneys?

No offense but you can stick that science up your own ass.


I get it I truly do. You want your children to outlive you to save that pain Karen.

Not happening. Some of us like risks and doing things that could kill us.

End of story!

Here is the full link.


Possibly my last contribution. Who knows. I will leave that to fate.

Have a superb week.

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