Rainbow family disgrace! Puff job milking rewards and ignorant of the crimes

Here is my reply to this absolute piece of crap writing. Brought to you by Mr cow fart himself.

What a garbage puff job.

Excellent job on polishing the turd that's rainbow.

what you haven't covered happens to be the massive amount of cultural appropriation that the rainbow family has been called out on multiple times.

Yep that's right and then on top of it this year we had the Idaho gathering that was a complete disaster and fractured the family in so many different ways. So when you claim that you are talking from some kind of experience I would beg to differ.

I've been there a lot longer and unfortunately the episode that you relate about your post here about police in kid village... Not kiddie village... Mind you.

I was adopted by kid village and the elder Filipe Chavez himself.

So that episode you speak of? I happen to be in the video.

It was 2008 Wyoming.

Here. Maybe you can correct your mistakes.

How about the national drug trafficking? The human trafficking crimes?

How about the massive amounts of heroin addicts and meth addicts traveling with the group?

Or the murders? Suicides?

The dark history you claim doesn't exist....

Actually @tilestar had his wife dosed without her consent and sex trafficked for 3 months after the Vermont gathering.

So how peaceful is the gathering?

This year's massive split in the gathering actually showed the true heart and soul of the gathering is really about financial means and purposes as well as control of the event rather than such peaceful high ideals...

I take it you completely miss that entire episode. Where are the rainbow family took over a sacred valley that the nez Perce used for medicinal purposes and private ceremonies?

How about the massive abuse of all the other welcoming tribes of Idaho?

Rainbow family national gathering had really crapped on their name and has now started a internal witch Hunt...

in case you haven't gotten the memo nice job on making a whole lot of money writing about something you have really no idea really about.

I am sure you didn't really inquire as to quite a bit of the history behind some of the individuals that you meet there and hang around with. Currently there is a huge Purge of sexual assault perpetrators. Which has completely reduced the numbers of rainbow family individuals attending.

Apparently in your write-up you also forgot to list in Wisconsin there was four day sexual assault council throwing around absolutely ridiculous accusations against well-known individuals. All allegations were completely refuted however the farce continued.

the rainbow family national gathering is not a place that you should take your children too and definitely do not take any women to the rainbow family national gatherings due to the unending sexual assaults rapes and human trafficking that has occurred not only historically but even to this day....


again I can prove there is quite a bit more to the rainbow family story then has been listed.

I'll go back over the Idaho gathering.

I actually was originally a part of helping everything get started and then due to internal stress and issues I decided to walk away.

Yep that's right I completely quit rainbow. No more rainbow family gatherings no more drum circles... And I even cut ties with a massive amount of individuals because of the rainbow family mafia. Yep that's right there's an entire Mafia behind this and orders of executions physical assaults and other persecutions....

oh yeah that's right Street Justice and vigilanteism abound within the rainbow family. I should know I was doing security with them ever since the 2006 Colorado gathering in the area of steamboat springs Colorado.

Personally it wasn't until I was adopted by kid village that I even decided that I was going to say due to the hostility and absolute crazy nature of the entire situation.

When I was adopted in 2006 things were extremely rough. There was massive amounts of law enforcement persecution roadblocks as well as an actual stoning of police officers by a huge crowd of hippies. Oh yeah...

I definitely got to witness quite a bit of insane behavior at the first rainbow gathering that I went to. And I had some extremely mixed reviews of it from being a very peaceful place to an absolutely insane place with no laws and a complete refusal to abide by any laws at all.

However when a real crime is committed the first thing that happens is everybody screams for the police....

The entire anti firearm culture and fear of firearms is directly shown.

And how about we talk about the 2008 kid village Police incident...

Yep actually I was front and center as a witness to the entire situation from beginning to the entire unfolding.

Which I might as well relate here and put it on the blockchain for all history.

Fonty. Hehe. Him and his inflamitory behavior. I'm not kidding this guy actually had a bong that had the baby Jesus depicted as a naked infant. At his crotch area the penis was removed and a hole was drilled to allow a bong stem. So literally the tip of the penis was the bong stem.

A lot of individuals were highly upset at kid village because of this individual bringing such a depiction of a child. However it was allowed.

This individual was definitely not a very popular individual. And more than a couple of times upset parents nearly physically brutalized him.

July 3rd is when it happened. The place we're looking for him due to his public display of smoking and sharing cannabis.

Yep that's right he had a backpack full of weed. Which will come into play later on in the story...

So I woke up July 3rd and of course I'd smoked out with a friend of mine who is camped right next to me and have very relaxing morning.

I was pretty sore and I medicated sufficiently just before breakfast. As I hiked from my little hammock camp through a little meadow to the opening to Kid Village in the treeline.

A bunch of my friends were coming out and were going to smoke an ounce out of a huge bowl in one sitting with this big huge hookah. And Mr not very smart was contributing to this entire thing. Which took the total attention of the local law enforcement or Leo... Yep that's right six up. And they immediately work on surrounding the entire group and recording events for further prosecutions.

all of that was way late when Mr unpopular decided to run away and the group distributed the entire contents of the backpack to multiple kitchens. yep that's right all of the evidence was immediately disposed of nearly instantly...

meanwhile Mr unpopular was leading the police on a very merry Chase and decided to run through kid village kitchen after running through the kid village playground. After exiting the kid village kitchen he was tackled and while he was being arrested and they were bashing on the side of a tent. Which a buddy of mine short squat very husky and with large poofy black hair was staying in I can't remember his name off the top of my head at the moment. Anyway he came out and was very unhappy that his nap was interrupted as he was sleeping. There was a older lady that had crawled through the dirt and pine cones on her hands and knees wearing a skirt. She had long gray hair nearly to her waist.

she was begging the officers for the reason why they were arresting him which nobody actually cared why they were arresting him... We were just curious as to the charge.

Well as my friend who had been rudely interrupted was cussing out the officers he got shot in the face with a paintball gun full of pepper balls with a full automatic pounding right to the full frontal facial area.

It was this gunfire that started the old lady running.

Meanwhile I happen to be sitting at the campfire watching this entire event as Mr unpopular runs through the playground and then runs into the kitchen and then runs out of the kitchen pretty close to me giving me a full front seat to this entire theater.

And since Kenny doesn't know what a movie is this definitely was a movie. And a pretty legendary one at that...

Well let's just say that the officer grabbed the lady by the hair as she got up and turned to run with her hair streaming behind her.

He literally yanked her off of her feet by her hair and then smashed her face into the ground with her hair and used her hair to flip her over onto her stomach when she had landed on her back. Basically completely clotheslined by her hair and slammed Head and shoulders into the ground before the second smash happened.

Been on top of this him and another officer decided to knee drop this little old lady to the spine so you have two individuals who weigh that minimum 200 plus pounds drop their full knees into the back of this little old ladies spine.

And let's just say it was definitely anything but gentle.

Seeing this entire situation in flamed me to action. The camp chair that I was sitting on got tangled in my legs and as I'm trying to rush over to the police officers and to stop the further assault on this little old lady... The chair shoots out from under my legs and flies directly towards police officers. One of the police officers turned around and pointed his Glock straight in my face. I tried to protest however with his fingers tightening on the trigger I decided to start moving backwards and I found out that there was a wall of people behind me. Yep that's right there was over 100 rainbow family in a wall. They had allowed me to pass through the crowd due to the instant trauma of a gun being pointed in my face and the blatant threat of being murdered for standing up against the abuse of a little old lady.

at this point I started looking around at the back of the wall and far from running away I knew that I needed a tool.

Which happened to be the individual with the camera.

In these videos you can see me providing first aid to the individual who is shot in the face and pouring water into his eyes to start washing out the massive amount of pepper dust he had received.

The police officers decided that they were going to attempt to extract with Fonty and the little old lady who at this point is clutching her dog. The wall of rainbow family works on pushing the crowd of law enforcement officers away from continuing to spray pepper balls containing chemical weapons munitions into not only the kitchen but also the playground where there is a crowd of children playing.

Multiple children were hit during the initial volleys and the elders immediately rushed to collect the children and get them behind a large Rock or any trees as cover from the flying projectiles. Upon these projectiles striking the trees rocks and other natural barriers they're released a spray of powdered calcium dust and tear gas. Instantly debilitating a massive crowd of individuals.

Meanwhile at the same instant while all of this gunfire is going on there is a massive group of individuals because it is hippie noon and just about breakfast time. So at main circle there is 10,000 or more hippies sitting around doing nothing that hear the gunfire. Quite a few of these are parents who drop their children off at kid village for the babysitting services and are relaxing spending a little bit of time alone at main circle waiting to be fed. And then there are all of the warriors... Also sitting idle when they hear...

The gunfire.

So as we are pushing as a wall of humanity, the law enforcement officers are retreating in a tactical formation trying to cover their ass as well as covering the front as they are moving.

We pushed them through the brush out into the meadow when a massive wall of humanity comes charging up the valley towards the officers who are actually still continuing to fire those paintball guns and wave firearms in the face of unarmed men women and children while screaming threats.

As a huge wall of humanity impacted our group I was crushed together with everyone and physically moved over 30 ft with only my toes scraping the ground. I had no ability to breathe. And personally I was getting a little freaked out that I would be crushed to death.

When the press had relaxed a little bit and I realized that I was standing on something squishy. So using my big huge shoulders I rammed a hole around me and reach down. At this moment two little hands locked on to my arm. I ended up dragging a little boy out of this press. And he more than willingly climbed right up onto my shoulder and then pulled up his shirt and was rubbing his rib cage just behind his left arm. Which because of the raised shirt clearly showed a raised circular Moon indentation that is a ballistic signature to being shot with a paintball gun....

Hello kids said something about those damn pigs shot me. To which I replied..

They shot a child.

At which point the cry went up and the entire Mob was screaming that they shot a child.

now what happens is something personally I never thought I would see. When they say that the arrows will blot out the sun? I really did see it.

The rainbow family and the hippies threw so many rocks and sticks that all of the law enforcement were in darkness

actually the law enforcement officers shot so many paintball rounds that they ended up running dry. As they decided to choose using the middle back door trail, they continued to assault people and entire families even going so far to stick guns in the faces of little children and babies. Holding them at gunpoint so that they could extract an old man and an old woman.

Now here's where it gets really interesting.

Because of the running Rock throwing battle Forest service law enforcement which happened to be Federal Forest agents ended up unlocking and deploying fully automatic assault rifles and a squad wielding them to stand off with the crowd which I happen to personally witness.

Not around was fired however this shear threat of having to resort to fully automatic assault rifles and a back up squad?

A bunch of people actually ran down to the front gate and formed a mob there.

I had taken off and ran over to catch a ride and I was following the procession of law enforcement vehicles as they were making their way towards exfiltrating out of the front gate.

the law enforcement officers work was confronted by a massive mob at the front gate which forced the officers to a extremely slow crawl through a extremely hostile crowd of at minimum 10,000 people. all of them had sticks rocks or whatever they else they could and were bashing on these cars and rocking them from side to side. Every single one of those cars was absolutely destroyed every window was shattered and every inch of body was dented scarred and mauled from repetitive smashings with rocks. Multiple vehicles had tires slashed while they were driving slow.

And even when they got through front gate and the hippies stood in a line at the edge of front gate and pelted all of the vehicles driving away with rocks and anything else that they could get their hands on...

Honestly enough this entire event is bringing back a good deal of trauma even though this is going on nearly 13 years ago.

I can remember walking back into kid village and having the women grab a hold of me. I'm a very hard-working member of our little community and my heart is very well known.

Everybody knew that I was on the forefront of this movie and one of the key players.

I was directed to a wash station where I was stripped down and publicly washed with Maalox and water mixtures as well as other mixtures to help to neutralize all of the chemical irritants that were covering my body.

Personally I do not remember being struck by any projectiles however I was definitely in the proximity of multiple of these projectiles dispensing their chemical payloads into the crowd all over us. As I was wearing a few t-shirts and it was a little chilly that day I guess I most likely had my coat on as well. I would have to look on the video to see exactly what I was wearing.

However I don't offhand remember directly being shot by any of the paintball rounds.

However I did need a full decontamination. And that shower was absolutely phenomenal. The entire women's battalion had mobilized and they had massive amounts of water as well as rigged up a way to get very warm showers out to the people afflicted with all these chemical irritants.

On top of that not only they had mobilized to do a massive amount of laundry as well as had collected enough clothes to clothe all of us until our laundry was taken care of.

And I will be honest my entire outfit was cared for and returned to me by the same person who took it away and washed it pretty much in my view the entire time. well I did duck into the shower but they were still washing my clothes when I'd come out.

On top of that July 4th was actually one of the very rare rainbow gatherings that I've been to that police did not even come into the gathering for their routine patrols inspections and hunting for wanted criminals and people with warrants.

on top of that there is an illegal kangaroo court that shakes down all of these individuals with threats of a federal drug charge for being busted with any illegal substances.

So let's go on to the dark side of the rainbow family.

one guy picked me up hitchhiking back from the Montana national gathering and gave me an extremely sobering story.

From his physical reaction and behavior there is no reason why I have to speak his words.

he used to be a big time rainbow and told me that eventually because of this and what I will come to see, that my mind will change.

The last rainbow that he went to an individual who was an LSD chemist wanted to have sex with a young lady. She was definitely not willing and she was dosed against her will before the rape began. Multiple individuals ended up making attempts to protect her. All of them were thwarted some of them extremely brutally. The crowd protecting rapist and his bus enabled the situation to transpire.

The individual that told me his first hand account, was highly distraught and we even had to pull over for him to finish his story. He ended up buying me dinner smokes and gave me a ride all the way to my family's residence. An extremely humble individual who was very well educated and highly smart with common sense. I wasn't able to get his name or contact info just a wink a smile and a handshake.

Doing security for the rainbow family at kid village for 14 years?

I didn't go to the east coast gatherings but if there was West coast gathering I was probably there Colorado Wyoming Montana Utah then I went to Wisconsin which was pretty cool. Other than the crazy drama....

In this I've watched the organization absolutely change. Worst of all is the Facebook groups where the rainbow family actually openly put out contracts for murders and green lights individuals for assaults robberies and other attacks.

Sometimes the allegations are true and a lot of times they are not.

Personally I've seen the crazy behavior that happens with mob frenzies.

Actually while people were creating the account for cannabis curation I was dealing with a mob trying to kill a young man.

That's from a while back at the second to last Oregon regional which happened to be just outside of Detroit lake Oregon.

Three times in the span of 18 hours I had to protect this young man from an angry mob that was drunk, high or just whipped up into an emotional frenzy.

I actually had one individual trying to tell me that I was stirring up trouble and I explained to him that we were seconds from the victim being butchered to death in front of us, and I asked this guy to work with me to prevent that situation. In doing so I made a lifelong friend.

Eventually the situation peaked into a removal of this individual from the gathering for his own safety.

then on top of it we have the situations that I have had to be in with the rainbow family at kid village.

I have had to physically restrain sexual assault perpetrators and hand them over to the police. Because of course they've had abused children. I've also had to coordinate keeping an eye on the parents to ensure that we have the first hand witnesses to press charges against these individuals.

And in one of these cases one of the most well-known perpetrators of the Washington rainbow family national gathering sexual assault crimes against kids due to his multiple charges that he was already on probation for, then multiple charges of sexual assault and inappropriate behavior with children at the rainbow family with the parents all pressing charges, no kidding this guy was actually released from jail and made it back to the gathering to commit another crime against a child resulting in me having to return the predator to the original arresting officer for rearrest....

yep that's right this predator actually made it all the way back to the national gathering before the officer finished his paperwork and was able to drive back to rearrest this sexual predator of children.

Yep I have seen absolutely horrific things at rainbow.

First hand I can tell you that my really good friend had his wife dosed with extremely bad drugs called research chemicals and to this day she is physically afflicted as well as mentally diminished from this episode.

My friend had to spend multiple airline flights out to the east coast tracking down any sightings or word of his wife.

She had been trafficked for multiple months sexually.

on top of that we've also got the rainbow family national gathering issues from the 2020 Idaho gathering.

The abuse of the Native Americans in the area the destruction of the lands and medicinal plants?

now there is a nationwide Native American movement against the rainbow family and it's cultural appropriation of our religious ceremonies and behaviors...

Multiple times they have been told to cease and desist lecturing Native Americans about how righteous and holy the rainbows are and how they are going to replace the Native Americans in the stewardship of lands.

The hypocrisy of the rainbow family knows no bounds. On one hand they will spout this delusional belief into the blackelk prophecy that was completely made up and marketed by a white guy. Yep a bunch of made up fiction is their reality.

And then as much as you have everything going on? You have criminal drug manufacturing as well as organized crime abound.

If you want to call them the thieves guild that would be a close approximation or the beggars guild?

Wherever they go Petty crimes bikes and the fallacy that they can throw a gathering and leave absolutely no Trace other than the huge amount of human waste in slit trenches that are overflowing with putrefied biological viruses and contagions of all kinds.

The dark secrets of rainbow go so far as to hiding tons of garbage in carefully hidden and camouflaged areas because they didn't have the financial resources or the time to drive it all out.

First hand I have been back to these places and seeing the destruction firsthand has absolutely blown my mind as someone who loves nature and does his best to protect it.

These areas will forever be changed. The destruction of native and medicinal plants is wholesale.

In the Utah gathering I watched huge crews of East coast hippies collecting ginseng wear they knew dried this was worth over $1,000 a pound. And more often than not the specimens that they had collected were so massive that even they were in awe and openly bragging about stripping all of the ginsing crop.

that's right and on top of it another time I was approached by an individual with a huge bag of sacred peyote cactus buttons wanting to exchange them for goods so basically selling me a holy medicine for financial gain. Which at that point I was extremely upset and mad at the desperation and complete flaunting of all of the rules regarding these medicines. You may not buy or sell them you can only be gifted them and to buy or sell any of these peyote buttons has now tainted all of them with even his offer. When informed that he is one of the individuals directly responsible for the destruction of these endangered plants he got really upset that he was going to lose all of the time and effort that he put into it but as he told me he was going to find somebody that he could sell these two for cash.

You always have individuals running around addressed in Native American inspired clothing and outfits. The newest water protector movement is prime example of this entire craziness going wrong and falling down the entitled spoiled eco-tourism protest going trend.

That's right a bunch of these rainbow family gathering individuals were thrown out of the Standing Rock protest for bad behavior.

On top of it you have this as an antifa recruiting station where they can give people free drugs and while people are under the influence they can be enticed to giving more honest answers about views and the reactions of these individuals can be studied closely to see if you want to bring them into radical activism circles.

Basically you have colts of all different kinds including The Family which is a cult that the main leader stole a bunch of children and then gave them LSD and sexually abused them....

Very interesting underlying theme to The rainbow family. it happens to be the poverty and exploitation of children women and any resource that is available.

Far majority of individuals who claim that the rainbow family is some shining example? They have completely bought the packaging and marketing.

In fact the ringleaders of the rainbow family are making massive amounts of money over the donation and control over the incoming donations received.

There is a massive order placed over here with organic valley organic produce...

yep that's right this big huge diesel vehicle drives up and unloads a huge massive amount of food. Most of which actually happens to spoil because the inept cooling and refrigeration that is all natural keeps the food at 50° allowing bacteria to grow and sickening thousands.

Total hypocrisy from the rainbow family.

If environmentalism was really an issue the massive amounts of fossil fuel burning cars Vans and of course those extremely inefficient school buses covered in solar panels?....

It is complete destruction of areas that they go to gather. Leaving behind multiple tons of human waste and massive amounts of crime sprees and huge losses from the small local hospitals from treating a bunch of broke hippies that are criminals and who will never paying the hospital bills... Which most times at minimum start at a half million dollar loss for the local community.

Before you get into the crime waves into rural areas and the young people who fall for this idea that the rainbow family will change the world if only all these kids come help out and do all this work for the event....

While the high holes make massive amounts of money scamming a bunch of gullible granola eating hippies.

Now the rainbow family actually does have a huge amount of support from liberal lawyers guilds.... Yep that's right the 2008 lawsuit against the forest service for the wholesale shootout against kid village by law enforcement fell apart because of an inept lawyer that demanded to be in charge AKA get paid from this massive lawsuit he was going to file.

and how did this inept lawyer for the rainbow family completely destroy any chances of a lawsuit and accountability?

On the first page he made a huge mistake. Yep that's right it all got tossed out of court.

The rainbow family is a biological hazard with the dredges of society bringing tuberculosis and other diseases as well as staph infections and truly horrific drug induced medical conditions into contact with a bunch of ignorant hypocritical individuals who think that saving the environment means popping in your car and filling the gas tank for a 3000 MI trip to the other side of the country in a vehicle that leaks oil transmission fluid and everything else to the point where you have to continually pour oil transmission fluid and other highly toxic substances into the vehicle to keep them running just to get across the country to these gatherings.

At which point a lot of these disgustingly unenvironmentally friendly disasters are blown up because of the stresses of these travels and abandoned in the local area causing massive amounts of environmental damage from the five to six quarts which is nearly 2 gallons of motor oil and also a similar amount of highly toxic transmission fluid just pour into the aquifers and groundwater...

The complete of use of individuals and attempts to force radical veganism has pushed away a huge amount of individuals from kid village.

The most radical decline of children came after a bunch of the radical vegans forced full vegan meals 24/7 and demanded that any kitchens receiving main supply food had to only serve 100% vegan meals the entire time to a standard that the vegans won't argue about...

Yep that's right the radical vegans have pushed the radical vegan agenda to the point where normal omnivorous individuals feel highly uncomfortable.

Far from being an inclusive place unless you are a radical vegan and fit into one of the niche markets and niche groups that these individuals can sell you or use your labor? Then you are ostracized and people are highly hostile.

How about invasive species in the local environment that physically bite human beings? oh you can't kill those because they're living beings and even though they are destroying the entire Forest no action will be taken from these individuals. Yep that's right because it would kill a horrific 3 inch long flying bug that can take a chunk out of you requiring no kidding a stitch to repair the gaping wound in your skin layer from its bite.....

Add to it the massive daily fight for hygiene which the do-it-yourself pump up sprayer full of bleach water is used to spray the hands of all children and parents in the kid village food line...

yep that's right kid village goes through a massive amount of bleach and not only placing it into the water so people are directly drinking bleach in their drinking water....

But then we've also got the hygiene problem of tens of thousands of people pooping into open slit trenches and having absolutely no idea that randomly pooping in the woods causes massive amounts of sickness and diarrhea.

You will have up to half of the entire population of a gathering having intestinal flus illnesses and so forth. I myself have been inflicted from questionable water as well as horrible food safety practices and then the very close by extremely fly ridden excrement piles from groups who don't even dig slit trenches.... Or the people who camp right next to the huge areas of human waste.

So far my personal experience with the rainbow family has turned sour from first hand experience of this last year and helping the nez Perce tribe protect their lands from the wholesale destruction brought by these inept hippies.

From environmental damage to human trafficking and organized crime. there is no part of the rainbow family that is truly peaceful either you buy the experience and pony up the dough to be a lazy hippie where all of your food is cooked and available 24/7, to the homeless masses that are scammed into working extremely hard everyday just for the possibility that their expenses will be paid and they will get less than minimum wage for their phenomenal efforts to make this entire event go on.

Oh and then I've also had some pretty ritzy stars that I've met including the people from the bar in Sturgis North Dakota the white guy with the dreads and his wife as well as that lead singer of the band who had a chainsaw playing a musical part in one of their hits..

No kidding I nearly punched out the guy with the white dreads and he was more astounded that I didn't know that he was a star.

I do believe that show is called full throttle saloon by the way.

And Jesse the guitar player was kind of astounded that I was more interested in removing his buddies teeth then I was in being starstruck and wanting to suck up and be treated like total garbage.

So the rainbow family... Hypocrisy or an actual real threat to anybody who goes?

Personally I have had multiple times where I've been robbed. I've been physically assaulted as well as I've seen others physically assault other people. I have witnessed horrific crimes where a jealous boyfriend beats up his girlfriend steals her car and everything she owns and drives off to get into a wreck and shoot out with police destroying everything that she has. I have seen people stabbed. I've seen people beaten and sexually assaulted.

My last gathering a little old lady came into the main parking lot crying and disheveled after her boyfriend had slapped her around and she was able to escape after he had passed out in an alcoholic stupor.

I had noticed that she was distraught so I had a bunch of women come help me out and work on calming her down and supporting her to get the story out.

the story was of course that she had been horrifically abused by her boyfriend on the trip up here and on their stay here. she only had enough strength to grab a little cart and put some stuff into it and then run away leaving her vehicle and all of her camping gear.

Which after assembling a bunch of men we were able to go repossess her belongings and return her car to her possession.

But there is never been a gathering where it has been peaceful love and connection between individuals who all think the same.

in fact actually the beauty of rainbow is the diversity and all of the people who believe completely different things.

Yep that's right all of the different colors of the rainbow and all of the different people of the rainbow actually makes the entire experience.

It isn't only people that believe in radical veganism and who are willing to break laws and force the entire society into their vision of the future. It is everyone coming together no matter their background or belief system to come together as human beings.

No matter their diet or religion.

Which is directly under threat from the entire hypocrisy from these radical vegans and individuals with an extreme agenda trying to turn the rainbow family from a free place where you can do what you want when it isn't harming others into a place where you can actively harm others and abuse them.

Yep that's right pretty much if you're not a radical vegan you are not allowed in the rainbow family lands.. there were actually be a large group membership that will actively ostracize and limit your involvement with the group.

And of course I also talked about the narcotics trafficking....

Hope by the way there is a massive amount of DEA agents and state narcotics agents undercover at all of these events identifying and marking individuals for further investigations....

Oh yeah that is completely true. In fact a couple of individuals that I know happened to be high level Federal law enforcement. And they're involvement in the rainbow family would have passed unnoticed except for me knowing about firearms and law enforcement from my family...

Let's just say if the white supremacist groups are full of federal agents doing surveillance on anyone who attends and the same thing for the Native American radical groups having extreme amounts of surveillance as well?

Oh yeah this drug trafficking and criminal Enterprise has a federal half million dollar budget for the federal law enforcement.

And actually the horrific abuses of the federal law enforcement Forest service branch has been fully documented going past my involvement with the rainbow family.

The murders in rainbow...



And this was after the Georgia gathering.

in the 2008 Wyoming gathering there is a young man who committed suicide after stealing his father's gun collection and running away hiding in the rainbow family gathering for the entire week that it was going on.

At the beginning of the gathering he had stole his father's gun collection and truck then lit it all on fire,

At the end of the event the kid committed suicide instead of going back to the ex sheriff of the local county who happened to be his father.

Maybe this account will open some eyes as to the actual reality of the rainbow family.

This is not an organization that I would take my girlfriend to.

But the name on this account the personal name of ganja Farmer and the 14 years that I spent with this group will forever affect me.

I spend a lot of time doing a large amount of good for the rainbow family and it is with a sad heart that I write this.

all of these events are events that I personally witnessed people I personally talked to as well as know.

I still do have black market rainbow family connections.... I still do know rainbow family drug trafficking situations routes and as well how we smuggled massive amounts of drugs into these events. Yep that's right I personally took a big huge pile of herb to the Oregon gathering myself however during the trip to Wisconsin I knew because of the timing that we were going to be stopped and illegally searched which of course I have previously posted about on my blog! Lol....

Yep that's right.

Honestly enough you can believe the propaganda or you could actually look at the facts.

Here is a kitchen...

Death camp...

Kids having fun and being assaulted by adults...

Part 2...

Abusive to kids....

And then wow of course I come across this.....

Barry Adams, Aron Kay, Garrick Beck, Fred Nemo, Barry Sarchow, Martin Cheney, Rob Savoy
Karin Zirk, and the rest of the Rainbow leadership do NOT under any circumstances represent the Hopi people or our spiritual beliefs and practices. They are deliberately misrepresenting our prophesies for they own political ends and are about as far away from being Hopi as a person can be. There’s no prophesy about them in ours or any other indigenous tradition. They’re all just bunch of narcissists, full of their own delusions of grandeur who simply don’t care that they are lying about the Hopi culture or that they are damaging the Hopi people by continuing to spread these lies about our prophesies. They commit this offense against us because they have been indoctrinated all their lives to see themselves as superior to the Hopi by virtue of the power and privilege their white skin affords them.



And best example would happen to be an individual convicted multiple times for sexual assault, sexual abuse, rape, stalking, kidnapping domestic violence and all sorts of other crimes targeting Native American women was a huge part of the Idaho national gathering events...

Yep nothing like saying you are inclusive by having someone who abuses women as a spokesperson...

I know I'm going to remember his name here pretty quick and I really wish I still had all that information hang on a second I'm going to poke around...



the only problem with researching a group like this is that there is so much information on their activities...

From the internal rainbow family documents...


Can someone confirm this?

3 days ago from counsel circle on the land.

Word from camp:

Several Nez Perce elders identifying themselves as senior citizens and Nimiipuu/Nez Perce conservation society members blasted the 4 youth ringleaders that where redirecting people to another site as representing nobody. One person in particular was admonished for her actions to create violence and told that her family would be contacted about her behavior and disrespect to the tribe. The others where told to quit speaking as though they represented the Nimiipuu/Nez Perce.

These elders worked with people on the land, locals and the forest service to relax tensions at the gathering site after learning that some rainbow family anti-gatherers had funded these native youths in an effort to intimidate the gathering. Facebook posts from several actors brought to light there was the possibility that they intended harm and may have had weapons on there person.

The Nez Perce elders gave their blessing to gather at the Riggins Idaho Iron Phone Campgrounds and asked that people not dig any holes in the meadows and to remove shoes while walking there. They sang some prays with family.

Family is on the land in celebration and will be holding space for the vision counsel on the 7th. Hwy. 95 south of Riggins was still closed on Saturday but should be cleared in a couple of days.

People who where mislead to the Skunk site are having difficulties returning to the gathering as well as people travelling to the site from the south. Direction from Riggins Idaho are still valid though the roads are rough in places.

The meadows and site in general are no worse from the use as a prayer circle. A lot of trash has been removed and some is placed in piles. Family has worked hard to not only create a gathering spot, they have also shown great respect for the area by doing a cleanup prior to others arriving. Plans are being made to haul as much local trash out as possible.

Energy at camp is very high and there is a lack of forestry personal as many where south of Riggins when the rock slide happened. People are upbeat, happy and have a lot of love to share. Tomorrow will be another day and cleanup is on going. Family has invited locals, the Nimiipuu/Nez Perce and the forestry department to help clean this site from years of abuse and neglect. The site is a public designated campground as well as open grazing for commercial cattle and some logging access roads. It needs a lot of help.

Bright Blessings

End quote.


My private conversations with the leader of the group resisting the rainbow family last year in Idaho.


so in conclusion the rainbow family is the worst group of drug addicts liars criminals and homeless mental illness patients.

There is so many issues with that organization this has ended up being one of the longest posts I have ever done I do believe.

But I feel strongly enough about this entire situation to write a post exposing the issues behind these horrible crimes.

And how environmentally unfriendly this group really is...

Well when you believe in the cult you tend to gloss over the bad things and every year that I've ever gone to rainbow there's always been a horrific murder along with all of the other crimes.

I personally I'll never take loved one to this event again and for my own safety I will not go to these events any further due to massive amount of crime that I've already seen and been subjected to as well as the assaults and robberies that I have first hand witnessed.

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