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And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Obama calls the Trayvon Martin Death "An American Tragedy"!!! What about the 4 American's DEAD in Benghazi? (UNSOLVED) What about U.S. Custom's Officer Brain Terry Killed by Fast and Furious Guns supplied to Mexican Drug lords by the US Government? (UNSOLVED) What about all of the Black People who have been KILLED EVERY FUCKING DAY SINCE TRAYVON BY OTHER BLACK PEOPLE IN CHICAGO AND NATIONWIDE???? (UN FUCKING SOLVED!!!!!) WHERE'S YOUR FUCKING OUTRAGE OBAMA??? FUCK YOU!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
It's really amazing how fast Obama could amass the entire military to surround Syria but could not get anyone to help save 4 AMERICANS in Benghazi!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Obama Care could have been written on one page. Simply put; {All hospitals Will put ALL Prices on a Public Menu so the Consumer can see ALL Prices up front and can shop for their Health Care in a Competitive System!!! All Consumers will have the power of their Shopping Dollar to buy the Insurance and Healthcare services THEY want to buy at Competitive Prices!!!} But instead HE and the LIBTARDS wanted Government Run, Socialized medicine and money in the pockets of their Insurance Company Lobbyists with the CONSUMER not having ANY Choices at all!!!! Obama Care is not Healthcare Reform, it's Government Imposed Insurance that does NOTHING to reduce Prices or make Healthcare more affordable!!! The Government wants you to just Bend Over and Take it like Julia!!! Talk about a War on Women??? The most feared words one can hear? "I'm from the Government and I am here to help!!!"

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Someone has to Create the Wealth before the Government can Re Distribute it!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Eventually, if left unattended, the fleas kill the dog....

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
If eating at Chick-Fil-A is being Homophobic bi proxy, then if 95% of the KKK are demoncrats, isn't being a demoncrat being associated with the KKK and supporting the KKK? i.e. demoncrats are Racists?

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
If the people on the space station want to look at a website, do they use the outernet?

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
How come Black Libtards are not trying to get into the KKK? I mean they sue everyone else for membership!!! Must be racism!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
If you put Rock Salt in Shotgun Shells, it would not kill the intruder you shot, but they would wish they were dead!!! And it would be called A Salt Weapon!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
If your eyes were bigger than your stomach, you'd be a freak!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
If your eyes popped out of your head from looking at a hot person, they would freak out!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Obama inherited Last Years Economy!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
If you wore your heart on your sleeve you'd be dead!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
100% of Scientists agree that 100% of people who drink water Die!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
They kicked me out of Hollywood for being a Republican. Because I was the last one to leave they made me take the Flag!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Did ya hear that Obama donated $5000 to his campaign? I thought it was against the law for Foreigners to donate to Campaigns???

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Romney took his dog for a ride, dog survived. Obama ate dog, dog died!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Why do serial killers kill pretty people? I wish there was a serial killer who went around killing other serial killers!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
I live in Las Vegas, the most devastating thing that happens here are Obama Visits!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Obama wants all churches to float free off the ground, you know that whole Separation of Church and State?

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
What were Bottle Nose Dolphins called before we knew what Bottles were?

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Obama shouldn't feel bad about the Job he is did. Many people fail at their first job!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Women want less wrinkles? Go bra-less, it smooths them out!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Ok, on every news channel they keep saying we are getting our Oil from a broad, who is this broad and why does she have all the oil???

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
I am going to start a Metal band and call it Atheist! it will be a Christian Metal Band!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
.4 Americans dead in Libya, 2 American Embassy's under attack and Obama goes to a Campaign Stop Fundraiser in LAS VEGAS!!! Phoning it in!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
I would rather be Retarded than libtarded, at least then people would think I am Special!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
More people who are in love kill each other than do people who hate each other. Please stop Love Crimes!!! Spread the hate!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
History is a thing of the past.

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
I've decided I want to become Chinese, but not for the reasons you might think. I want to have the long hair, long mustache and LONG EYEBROWS!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
I am going to start a Polling Company to poll people across America about Politics. I am going to name my company The Stripper Polling Company. All media will have to say "According to the Stripper Polls".

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Obama in charge, America loses her AAA Credit Rating, Obama's State Ill? Same thing! Illinois gets its credit rating demoted by the liberal demoncrat Governor and Obama wants to move America Forward from here! But can anyone see the direction his forward is???

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
I've decided I am going to run for office. I am changing my name to None of the Above.

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
The libtards want 4 more years to help them to continue what they started... SHUT UP! Fuh Que!!! We do not want you to finish! We want it OVER NOW!!! We want our country back!!! Obama, making AmeriCans into AmeriCan'ts!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
If kids are failing Drug Tests does that mean they are on Drugs or not? Shouldn't we be focused on , oh I don't know, testing them for Math, Science, Reading etc...??? What does failing a drug test do for a kids self esteem? I mean are they just rubbing it in that kids are failures? How about Mandatory Drug Testing for Teachers and examinations of all content on their computers???

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
I am not mad that you lied to me. I am Mad because I can no longer believe anything you ever tell me again!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Americans have learned a lot in 20 years since the Rodney King LA Riots! Many have been taking classes. Riot now pigs and it will be 1 shot 1 kill! We love our Country, our businesses, our property and our LIBERTY! Go ahead, MAKE OUR DAY!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Is the Occupier or AntiFa too skinny because Michael Moore is too fat?

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Anybody else just wish for one minute that they could wake up and on every channel on TV Ashton Kutcher was on there saying "You've been Punked America!!! Spending is down, Revenue is up, there are plenty of jobs and America is doing AWESOME and OBAMA is NOT THE PRESIDENT!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
I would rather be Retarded than Libtarded! At least then people would think I am Special!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Do fat people masticate too much?

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
The Worst Republican is still far far better than the best demonrat as the best demonrat is not a dead one as apparently they still can vote!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Did you know that Islamic terrorists have killed more Muslims than all other nationalities and religions combined? Too bad Muslims can't wake up to this and get mad and kill Islamic Terrorists or snitch them out so we can!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
How do we know that these dead and Mickey Mouse registered voters are not all collecting fraudulent Welfare and Food stamps?

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Do you know what Michael Jackson would say if he were alive right now?......... LET ME OUT! Ooh ooh!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Do you know what Michael Jackson is doing right now?......... Decomposing!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
EVERYONE is EQUAL under the Law! Any Man has the right to marry any Woman and Visa Versa! What people are really asking for is Special Rights!!! This makes them Elitists and no longer EQUAL under the Law!!! This makes them Above the law! There is no longer Equality! If this goes through what is to stop Polygamy? Or marrying a man and a woman who are already married to each other? Or bigamy? We just choose to throw out all the laws? Well except we must ban guns and the 1st Amendment isn't for Republicans to use!!!"

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Ok, so I opened my bottle of Vitamins and took one, the next day I read the bottle and it says do not take if seal is broken, so I threw the bottle out and bought a new one!!! This is getting expensive!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
I have mixed thoughts on New York City's new slogan; Welcome to New York City, a Fun Free Zone!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Why is it when the government has a choice between what is best for the Country and Stupidity, they ALWAYS choose STUPIDITY???

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Ok, 1 2 litre bottle of soda has 800 Calories. 1 gallon of SKIM Milk has 1700 calories!!! Mayor Bloomberg needs to ban the sales of MILK IN NYC!!!! On another note, the left will continue to take little things from you one by one until you have nothing left but them!!! Then there will be no more American Dream, only Socialism! Good luck with that!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Do you realize We the People could save Millions of Tax Dollars if Democrats sat at home and did NOTHING??? They are the problem! They are the ONES who is spending all our Money!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Seriously? Does anyone really throw their cell phone on the ground or against the wall because they are that pissed? Really? Seriously?

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Ok, you got these guys with 6 pack abs. They are all tough and lean and if they were beef you'd get it for $2.99 a pound. Where as my abs are still just as hard, but they are more marbled like Kobe Beef which is $150.99 a pound!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Obama will be here in Las Vegas today after having wasted over $3 Million Dollars flying here to speak at a High School to explain to America that those here ILLEGALLY "Deserve" a path to Citizenship!!! Ok, so if someone robbed a bank, do they "DESERVE" the Money because they are BROKE or UNEMPLOYED???? Or if someone RAPES a woman, do they "DESERVE" to get married to that woman or the Baby they created? These people broke the LAWS of AMERICA!!! They do not "DESERVE" ANYTHING PERIOD!!! And ANY Politician who helps Obama get this passed without passing a "BUDGET" or passing "Stopping Federal SPENDING" including WASTED TRIPS TO LAS VEGAS!!! Shall be fought against severely in the upcoming ELECTIONS!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Why are all the guns that the Police and FBI and Secret Service LESS dangerous than that of regular every day run of the mill We the People Guns? Most of those Agencies actually have FULLY AUTOMATIC ASSAULT WEAPONS!!! And if they CHOOSE to use those WEAPONS against WE THE PEOPLE, how are WE to defend ourselves???

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
What is the point of Swearing an Oath with your hand on a Bible in front of a Judge if NO ONE will hold you ACCOUNTABLE and ENFORCE THE LAW??? The Judicial System found Obama GUILTY of Violating HIS OATH to Protect and Defend and Uphold the US CONSTITUTION when he made ILLEGAL Appointments. How is HE allowed to just BREAK THE LAW??? He is Using Government to Take away OUR Constitutional Rights! This is WHY We the People have the CONSTITUTION to Protect US from the Government! The 2nd Amendment was NEVER FOR HUNTING!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
You are NOT a Patriot because you have a Government Job!!! You are NOT serving the People when you do everything you can against everything that IS America and IS the Constitution!!! You are a Patriot when you spend your own money to make jobs for other Americans!!! You are a Patriot when you Stand against Government Totalitarianism!!! You are a Patriot when you do something FOR America, not take from it!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
When the next Civil War hits America, it will not be North against the South or East against the West, it will be Americans against Liberal, Lefty Commie Pinko's, Crime and Immorality, fighting for our Constitution. You will either be For freedom and For America and For the Constitution or you will be against it all! I do not see the majority of the Military or Police forces fighting against America!!! This is truly what the 2nd Amendment is for!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Both Hillary Clinton and Hussein have said "they will bring whomever is responsible for the 4 deaths in Benghazi to Justice!" Yet neither one of them has turned themselves in!!! "But look over there at that Fiscal Cliff!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Anybody else just wish for one minute that they could wake up and on every channel on TV Ashton Kutcher was on there saying "You've been Punked America!!! Spending is down, Revenue is up, there are plenty of jobs and America is doing AWESOME and OBAMA is NOT THE PRESIDENT!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
When Socialism is Law, the only Capitalists will be Politicians and Criminals!!! Everyone else will have to depend on hand outs from the government!!!

And now Deep Thoughts by Victor the SnakeMannn:
Hey Mr. Obama, 1 Jr Varsity team player can wipe out a WHOLE Pro Team, all the attendees and destroy the building, and that would move them into the Major League!!! WTF are you thinking asswipe???? Are you kidding me?

Victor the SnakeMannn PatrioticCreations.US