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What are we really doing here...

Just checked out @penguinpablo's latest Welcome to my Hive vs Steem Stats Report for Friday, July 9, 2021. update...

And I can't help but notice that steem and hive combined have less than 10k daily users... That's kinda,.. awkward.

And has me questioning if this is even working, for all the onboarding drives we have going on, and all the slamming twitter and other social media with promoting our chain.

One would think that after 4+ years, these platforms would have more then 3-4k daily users each.

Something is obviously not working for the platform. But what is it?

I know there is a focus on genuine content on a larger scale, with many influencers being shamed for not being genuine. I know people in general don't like writing long form content. I know people love twitter and selfies... I don't want to say it's the downvoting and shaming that is thrown at new people for posting selfies and short form content... I also don't want to say it's downvotes scaring them away. I also don't want to say it's toxic comments directed towards those types of users... So what is it?

Hard to imagine it's "hard to keep track of 15 passwords", I mean keys, that's keeping the userbase low.

Hard to imagine a lot of things, all I know though, is that our userbase, as dedicated as the few of us may be, is clearly not doing the right thing..

Normal people don't care about decentralization.
.. as long as it just works, that's good enough.

Normal people don't care to defend their choice to post selfies or short form content.

Normal people don't care about cryptocurrencies and their battle against "the state".

Normal people don't care about giving away some liberties to Facebook or Google to have superior services.

Normal people want to connect with friends & family, share random things they find online (and not be shamed for plagiarism or "oRiGinAl CoNteNt"..

People just want to exist and use tools as they were meant to be used. Not having to worry about someone judging them for just doing what they are doing.

I know crypto at its heart is about empowerment, but if anything is going to work long term, using off-putting jargon like "we are all fighters for the cause", is just going to push away the majority.

The majority is what people want, they want to fit in, they want to get along, they want peace.

I guess what I'm getting at here... Is everyone needs to drop the whole "injustice of social media" and "freedom fighter" bullshit, and just enjoy the short time they have on earth, as dire as the situation may be for some of our base.... Shoving it in the face of the masses is never going to get us past 1% of global domination... People don't want that drama, they want fun and games, entertainment.

We need to get off our high horses, and embrace the change we are looking for. Be kind to one another. Embrace our differences and change the world for the better, one human at a time.

But what do I know, I'm just a dude sitting in the middle of everyone else fighting a cause "they" care less about because their day to day struggle isn't worth adding this extra bit of fluff on top of. Perhaps also slightly jaded and the lack of actual growth and just a bunch of fluff that isn't actually bringing change.

We need to be the change. Not point fingers at others preventing it.

I'd love to hear from you guys on what we could do better to actually grow the userbase.. if it even matters. I know hive has that "if there are less users, I'll get more rewards" thing going for it... But what's really the point.
Please leave some comments below and let me know what we are really doing here.