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Is there something wrong with the internet? How can it be fixed?


We are living in the world of transformations where everything changes. If we are to make the world a better place we have to constantly look for what if missing in the old Idea. The internet is the search of all information. From eduction, sports, news, entertainment and etc. Therefore it controls whatever we think, what we eat, the places go for holds but there is something not correct with the internet. The question are: Who owns the internet? Who controls the internet? Should we trust the internet? Is there freedom on the internet?

Who owns the internet?

The internet is dominated by a handful of individuals who buy out all the rights to ownership of other all major brands. Once you big your small brand and those people see it growing, they will try to stop you by buying you. They act like
vampires the internent. They owen everything on the internet. This are companies like facebook, google, yahoo, microsoft, amazon etc.

They own the internet

Who controls the internet?

The Internet is controlled within a countries borders buy a board created by the government. For example in Uganda we have the Uganda Communication committee that controls whatever we visit on the internet . Different countries have different regulations.This results in to many conflicting laws. For example if you come to Uganda you will be affected by the social media tax. To use facebook, whatsapp u most pay a tax of 200sh ugx every day.
They control what every we upload on the internet. I have a friend who was forced by the government to close his blog.
They control whatever see on the internet. There buy controlling what we see, test and tough.

The ISPs (internet sever provider) also control which websites we should visit. The make it cheap to visit some website and other websites. For example the Ugandan IPSs made a package called social bundles. You can access facebook, whatsapp, instagram e.t.c using social bandles. This limits people's access to the right imformation becouse the social bandles are limited.

Is there trust on the internet?

The fact is there no trust on the internet because one can open up a website for malicious activities and close it after with no record left behind . People he lost money online. And there many spams on the internet. There there trust is left to the big organizations like ebay , amazon etc . This makes it hard for us to begin business online . Surch engine only give us the most optimized webpages without putting the element of trust into consideration .

Do we have freedom on the internet?

Freedom is what everyone is looking for but that operating system we use and the web we visit deprives our privency . We have freedom with what we do online .

Can Decenternet be the solution the problem on the internet ?

Before I give my view about decenternet let me take this opportunity to thank the people behind decenternet mainly Sean Kim the mastermind behind the Decenternet (Dnet ) and team . Your visionary work is designed to change the way we transact business online . Thanks to Satoshi Nakamoto who found blockchain protocol that has offered different solutions to most of the problem in the world.

Decenternet is the solution to all the current problems on the internet . Due to its nature of decentralization and neutrality. Decenternet is an alternative P2P permanent hyper speed neutral decentralized internet infrastructure platform solution unbound by politics and oppression.
Using the following components decenternet will solve all the problems in the internet .

A crypto currency (Spyce)

The Blockchain Anuvys Operating System

Liberty search engine

Osiris Browser

Structure of Decenternet.






The iternet has to be transformed for better performance. Decenternet is the solution its to us to support idea. Like it or not this technology has to work Decenternet is the key to the better environment on the internet.

Check out the links below for further Information:

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