Major tech companies and their influence is becoming too big.

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Tech giants such as Apple, Alphabet (own Google, YouTube, nest ...), Amazon or Facebook are constantly growing, taking over smaller companies and expanding into markets that were not the original focus of the company. This allows these companies to create an ecosystem of products that are only compatible with one another, excluding smaller companies. This also forces users to `choose` one ecosystem and incentive them to only buying their products. We can see this with google, which acquired the company `nest`. Nest originally was a hub that allowed you to control smart devices such as thermostats, camera`s etc. in your home. Now that google is stepping into the field of smart homes as well, they launch their own products and dismantle all compatibility with other hardware producers link.

With all of these companies making their feet wet into the markets of smart technology and hardware production, the influence of these companies on one`s personal life and household can become too much for one company and is unethical. Maybe measures should be taken to mitigate this trend?

I also cannot deny the amazing advances these large players are able to make compared to small companies. Because they have the means to do it, those tech companies are the most suited to advance fields such as augmented reality, image recognition software, machine learning and all other fields that are growing excitingly fast. But I thought this could form an interesting discussion as well!

So please let me know through Debato what you think of this!

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