Kill all criminals or deploy another method different from capital punishment.

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The death penalty is a capital punishment as a sanction carried out on anyone guilty of a particular crime. I’ve seen many cases that resulted in the elimination of many people. I am not sure if all of them are genuinely guilty of the crime. Every life that is lost through this practice cannot be retrieved. However, judgment is passed daily on people guilty of one crime or another depending on the gravity. To give fairness a chance, we have some terrorists in the world that are causing harm than good to societies. They’ve massacred millions of people in recent times, and they are still hunting lives as we speak. Armed robbers kill and snatch cars all the time. It’s difficult to get the correct/exact statistics of the criminal records and the havoc they’ve caused. Should we encourage the elimination judgment passed on criminals? If they are given a second chance, can they benefit the society? An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Are we okay with that proverb or we need an adjustment? Please, I need your view on this.

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