Investing in dCity - What about Education


The effect of Eduction in dCity is not immediately clear to a new player, but it can help make your city quite a bit more profitable. That is because Education influences your chance of discovering new technologies. (You will start having a chance to discover a technology card as soon as you have a Research Center card and you unlocked the discovery option in the Technology tab).

You need a lot of Education to get a reasonable chance of discovering a technology. At the moment, technologies could be considered the ‘endgame’ of dcity. At 100 education you still only get a 2% chance to discover technologies. 49% of that 2% chance to discover a technology you will discover a tier1 technology, 29% for a tier2, 14% for tier3, 6% for tier4 and 2% for a tier5 technology. You can see why it will take you a while to get all 5 tiers in one technology branch.

So, in what ways can you boost your Education? There are 3 version2 cards that have Education: the School has 5 education, the University has 10 education and the Research Center has 10 education. Also, the Scientist card has 1 Education.

You could try to buy version 2 random cards for 4 Hive or 800 SIM and this would give you a 12% chance of getting one of the 3 Education cards. On average, taking the different percentages in mind and the fact that the school has only 5 education, the expected gain in Education when you buy random version2 cards is 0,33 education. This is not a lot. I believe this is why even some very big dcities have only a small chance of discovering technologies.

If you hold a Science convention for 100 Stem, then you have a 20% chance of getting a Scientist card every 2 hours, this means that on average you will get 2,4 Scientist cards from your event. So the expected Education value of this event is also 2,4 Education. The Stem price has gone up, but you can still get 100 Stem for less that 4 Hive at the moment. So this easily beats buying random cards.

Buying Scientists of the market is not beneficial at the moment. You can get 1 Scientist for about 4 Hive, so you’d better go for the Science convention instead. I you are lucky this will get you 3 Scientists for about the same price.

Buying a School, University or Research Center of the market can be the best option. As long as the School is less than 200 Stem/8 Hive or the University and Research Center are less than 400 Stem/16 Hive. Currently the universities are selling for about 11 Swap.Hive, so I think this is your best way to grow your education.

There is one other way to get Scientists, but it takes more time to set up well and it is a lot harder to calculate. You could make sure to maximize your job center training for Homeless and Immigrants. At maximum you will train 1 of them per day and 20% of the time they will turn into a Scientist or Artist, so that is a 10% chance.

I currently have 1 job center on my main account. This gives me 3% base rating to train homeless or immigrants. Due to the Education tax it is doubled to 6%, but I haven’t seen any Homeless or Immigrants cards converted to Scientist, Artists or even (Hard)Workers. So I feel this is not really the best way to go for a new player with a small dcity.

Personally, I think I will grow my education to 1% chance and hope to get lucky. But for now my main aim will be to just keep growing my SIM production and Population. I believe that for me this is a more effective way to grow my city.

For me, technologies look like the endgame content of dcity. So it is ok if it takes me a year or more to get even 1 branch complete. In the meantime I will boost my income, so that I can buy more random cards. If I were to get an education card from one of those, then I will certainly hold on to that, since I will keep that endgame in mind.

Thanks for reading and do follow me if you would like more strategic insights into dcity.

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