A first foray into DCity.

This is the beginning of my reluctant and skeptical DCity endeavor.

Forky, the man with two handles (@forykw and @forkyishere) did a giveaway. See @forykw/a-free-home-for-everyone#@forykw/re-crrdlx-20201231t24741212z. Newcomers to DCity get a free something-or-other. Hmm. I’d looked at DCity a few months ago. My analysis follows, fair or unfair, right or wrong:

• Game.
• Time devourer.
• 2D Grandma Moses style, but in a city.
• Spend some money, earn some money, spend some money to earn some more money, so you can earn some money to spend.

Naw. Thanks anyway.

But, I'm intrigued by NFTs and I think they're involved, maybe. And, free is a great word forky dangled. I was in. I replied to his post, he gave me a new home. It’s just a basic home, nothing fancy. I guess I was homeless prior, but now I am not. Nice fellow that forky forkface.

My basic home...keeping it minimal and living within my means.

Per his advice, I joined the Discord channel. I looked at it. I felt like I’d walked into Time Square and there were a thousand conversations going on and I just stepped into the middle of them.

I went back to dcity.io and logged in with Hive Keychain. I had SIM and other stuff, including BEER. That seems good. Forky had given me 800 SIM. Nice fellow that forky.

A little lost, I clicked the “City” tab. My city appeared, population 4. I think. It looked like this:

My city. Population 4. I think.

Well, although I’d decided earlier to not do any DCity stuff, apparently I was off and running anyway. Forky’s guile in recruitment tactics had worked. Sneaky fellow that forky. Him using the old “foot-in-the-door-phenomenon” to get his foot in the door of the basic home that he just gave me.

Okay, I’m here! Yahoo!

What do I do now?

Back to Discord. I posted in the general channel:

Hi, forky lured me into DCity with a giveaway. I have a basic home. Any pointers on what to do next?

We’ll see what happens.

Something tells me there may be "Part 2" post from me on this some time in the future.

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