BoyCharlieVille Registry 9/7/2021

@boycharlieville is a small village governed by the @boycharliefamily DCity Collective. Its people, businesses, and technology are under the management of Mayor @boycharlieplays. This politician introduces new policies and opportunities for the five-city accounts to receive new NFTs. Hosting blogs allows the @boycharlieville city to detail to other @dcitygame players how the current city holdings and stats are beneficial.

As part of the roleplay, a 30 Day Goal will be set for Income and Unemployment. The goal is to always have the city perfectly balanced with Population, Popularity, and Unemployment. The SIM Power of the account will have a goal of 10,000 going into October.


Business NFTs in @boycharlieville

These are the only 4 business NFTs in @boycharlieville city. These cards are all coded after the island and produce no additional Hive-Engine tokens at this time.

Business NFT TypeID #Business Name
Ad AgencyID #1662003@boycharlieville ad agency
ParkID #1696542@boycharlieville park
PizzeriaID #1705507@boycharlieville pizzeria
UniversityID #1731472@boycharlieville university

Citizen NFTs in @boycharlieville

These citizens are registered to the population of @boycharlieville city. As part of the @boycharliefamily workforce they are interchangeable between the five-city accounts without a transfer cost.

Citizen NFT TypeID #Citizen Name
WorkerID #1536379
WorkerID #1553064
WorkerID #1594252
WorkerID #1600735
WorkerID #1604107
WorkerID #1610312
WorkerID #1615530
WorkerID #1622890
WorkerID #1657322
WorkerID #1661299
WorkerID #1662447
WorkerID #1667383
WorkerID #1670170
WorkerID #1698829
WorkerID #1700792
WorkerID #1735753
WorkersID #1613752
WorkersID #1627547
WorkersID #1628544

SIM Income Plan

The goal of the @boycharlieville city is to earn at least 1 SIM token daily for 30 days. 30 SIM tokens are reserved for @boycharliefamily grants.

DateIncome = 8.02 SIM Earned/30 SIM Token Goal
9/1/2021+3 SIM Income
9/2/2021+3 SIM Income
9/3/2021+1 SIM Income
9/4/2021+0.01 SIM Income
9/5/2021+0.01 SIM Income
9/6/2021+1 SIM Income

Current Policies from @boycharlieplays

  • No spending SIM
  • Hold 10,000 SIM for 30 Days (Earn 10,000 SIM Power)
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