Curators got 10,000 DBLOG POWER delegation. About ABUSE and MUTE, and finally AIRDROP!


New dblog curators

In the last post, we announced that was looking for more curators. There were 8 applications and 6 were selected as new curators. Each got 10,000 DBLOG POWER delegation from @dblog.partner. This delegation will last until December 31, 2019. If the new curators spread the votes as widely as possible, the delegation will be renewed. The newly selected curators are:

@pharm.steemit @bluengel @uyobong @leeyh2 @cabinet24 @htliao

Thank you for being part of

Abuse and Mute

About the community guideline, you might want to look at this post.

One more issue is Plagiarism. If the team finds more than 3 attempts of plagiarism by one blogger, the blogger will be muted by @dblogger. If an account is muted by @dblogger, any post by that account will not be shown on and the account can use DBLOG POWER on In fact, @dblogger already muted a number of accounts on


Yes! There will be DBLOG airdrop in a week.

So, who will be eligible for DBLOG airdrop? The airdrop will be limited to DBLOG holders. If you stake a certain amount of DBLOG on your account, there is the possibility of your getting DBLOG airdrop.

The snapshot will be taken at some point on November 10, 2019, this coming Sunday. After the snapshot, the airdrop will take place in 3 days. So, why "a certain amount" & "the possibility"? For now, we can say that staking 1,000 DBLOG might be the minimum requirement for the DBLOG airdrop. And the airdrop will be done in staked power.

Where does DBLOG airdrop fund from? Dblog team has a few accounts for operation; @dblogger, @dblogbasicincome, @dblog.supporter, @dblog.partner,, and @dblog.bene. All of these are created to ensure a fairer distribution of DBLOG token in the long term. And all of these accounts have earned quite a lot of DBLOG tokens from curation and staking rewards. Now, the team wants to give back the tokens to the community to make this community healthier and stronger.

So, be ready for the DBLOG airdrop!

Don't forget to use the tag #dblog when you post on Steem blockchain!

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