Looking For A Screwup Specialist?! - Hire Me!

I almost did it right, but then, in the end, of course, I didn't! So, if you are looking for a screwup specialist, hire me. I'm your (wo)man!


Image by Pintera Studio from Pixabay

Here is the thing.
Three weeks ago, I had such a beautiful plan. I even publically challenged myself with its fulfillment to encourage myself additionally. Something like, I would be ashamed if I fail. Yeah, right!

Well, it's not that I feel very comfortable or even less proud of it. But more than feeling ashamed, I am angry and somewhat pissed on all the circumstances that helped me fail. In other words, if I could punch myself, and if it changes something, I will do it. Unfortunately, mission impossible, and I don't believe it would solve the case.

However, the point is that I challenged myself publically with my "Impossibly Possible Challenge" post written over 20 days ago, to achieve two goals.

My first goal was to post at least once per day an article with a minimum of 100 words. My second goal of keeping up that rhythm until the end of May or even a few days more to achieve unbroken writing string of 31 days what would finally bring me the Monthly Author badge, was leaning on my first goal.

The funniest and at the same time, the worst part is that I managed to endure six days in a row and missed that last, 7th day that would at least bring me my second Weekly Author badge. After that, everything went south even more, and I didn't publish a single line for the following two weeks.

Image by Natalie_F from Pixabay

What can I say?!
I screwed it up, and I screwed it up big!
Therefore, if you don't know how to screwup things, consider hiring me as I would surely find the way and think of something.

In other words, if you are looking for a screwup specialist, I could be your screwup fairy!

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