You know what grinds my gears? Truck drivers.

Okay, so I have about 60,000 miles of driving experience. And in my time in the road, I have never seen any driver; other than the truck driver be the most inconsiderate, obnoxious, self-entitled, egotistical-macho in the road. I am speaking from an American perspective, and more specifically from a Californian.

The truck driver: you probably have seen them in your way to work, to school, to the movies, to the hospital. Those motherfuckers will speed up, cut you off, and hit you because they think their monolithic "tank" can handle anything. I know, I know, their is use of trucks when you are living in the country, or in all terrain roads--trucks are useful. Blah blah blah

But, why in the world would you drive one of those son's of bitches in a metropolitan area?(because Murica of course!)Seriously though, what the fuck is the use of a giant aluminum shit when all your doing is going from point a to b?

When I go to work I have to take the 99 south, and everytime I do I see those assholes driving in their Dodge RAM, GMC, Toyota F100, you name it. You can tell in California who is a truck driver. They are mostly white males of course(some females; but mostly males), with a pair of sunglasses, a polo shirt, cargo pants, and some uncomfortable boots. They are trying to personify that good ol blue collar worker, going to the industry to build stuff. Their trucks are also dressed with stickers like: dont tread on me, an image of the confederate flag, marines logo, firefighter union logo, an akward American flag and at times a Confederate one hanging high on the trunk. While I am driving this small Toyota Camry 99' decked out in green party bumper stickers and dressed like a vagabond for my cublicle job.

Those assholes have for one too many cut me off, especially in 1 dotted lane highways and streets. Have tried to speed up to catch the lead in the lane, only to slow down for another car in front of them. My favorite one is driving on the freeway, and they are trying to forcefully interject in the other lane, because their lane is met with a big-semi. They do so, right when they are by the tail of the semi, and they move for the attack on the other lane. Which is idiotic, no matter how many times you shift from one lane to the other, the speed by which you go is dictated by the flow of traffic. But my favorite is when they hit my car once.

I was with my partner exiting a parking lot mall, and I was trying to drive into the street. Oncoming traffic was to my left, and so I was stationed until I saw an opening. Little did I see a big Green Ford F100 running at 20 miles an hour (mind you in a fucking parking lot) coming to my car's ass, and hit me. All I felt was the whiplash and my blood boiled. I told myself, if its a motherfucking truck I am going to beat his dollar ass down until I make change out of him. Low and behold it was a fucking truck.

The asshole driver was like, sorry bro I didn't mean to hit you. I look at the condition of my car and his car and I'm like, dipshit you were running at 20 miles an hour on the fucking parking lot, what do you mean you didn't mean to? Thank god, my car wasn't totaled. But, he thought I was going to let him off the hook. He was like, your car doesn't seem like it got scratched. I'm like, you don't think? There was 5 seconds of silence, because I thought he would at least pay me some cash for reparations(or for at least being the one who perpetuated the incident). But no, the motherfucker had the audacity to say, so we cool? I was like, this might be my only chance where I can have an interaction with these macho dipshits, have my car come scratch free, and let off some steem. I was like, oh we cool alright. At this point I had told my partner to be on the wheel. I looked at him, and said we coo alright. And at that moment I see to his side view mirror and kicked the shit out of it. Once I did, everything looked slowed down, like a scene from a movie. I ran to my passengers seat and I told my partner, go go go!!!! It was probably one of the few times I had sweet revenge on a truck driver, and probably the only time where I got out scratch free.

Anyone had experience with these god awful drivers? I would love to hear your experiences out in the road. Anyways thanks for reading my rant. :)

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