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"Building Decentralized Communities Is Not Rocket Science" || About Integrity, Loyalty, Trust And Where To Find It

If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters. - Alan Simpson

People behave with integrity when they feel good.

Decisions pro or against the participation in a certain social grouping are mainly driven by irrational factors such as connectivity, sense of belonging and trust.

Thus, the basis for any stable social fabric in the world is human value exchange. That applies both to real and virtual scenarios.

Decentralized social networking applications are digital tools that enable us to transfer our already existing human value concept to a virtual environment, enabling us to connect with like-minded people and entities in common fields of interest all over the world.

It's the future version of local communities which have been established between human beings ever since.

Here's to the simplicity of community assets and which dApps are able to provide them!

Picture kindly provided by

People go there where they feel best

Again it was @connecteconomy who inspired me to not only write this blog post but also provided it with the perfect headline.

People will go where they feel best,
Anja perfectly recaps in Should we be worried about ONO as a competitor to Steemit?.

Most of the decisions we make in the context of social incorporation are emotionally driven. We stay where we feel safe, and we relate ourselves with the ones that provide us with a comfortable sense of belonging and trust. That applies for both our private and professional life.

We keep with the concepts that make us believe we're at the right place, surrounded by the right people, doing the right things.

Human expectations are actually quite simple.

That's why community building requires leadership!

Often people mix up decentralization and lawlessness. The believe self-governance means total abandonment of governance.

But one cannot be free without values.

That's why decentralized environments are based on the concept of consensus, established by responsible, open-minded and community-driven personalities who behave with integrity and trust each other.

Integrity is evident since it ensures that the members don't base their decisions on personal interests but on the common vision of the community.

As in real life so on the blockchain: not everybody can and also doesn't need to become a leader. Leadership requires a set of skills only a few are able to provide.

Real community builders are lions that care about their pride.

It was @stellabelle who mentioned the term 'caring' in the context of community building lately and it's probably the expression that fits best with the real asset of (social) leadership.

Builders, leaders, lions or however you want to call them have one fundamental thing in common: they don't put their own interests on top of the agenda. They want to achieve something much bigger than that.

Lions find pleasure in educating people! Their pride's learning curve is their own success, and they're rewarded with loyalty.

Now where can we find such values?

In general the best sign of true community spirit is social interaction.

If you take as an example you'll quickly realize that the glorious times of the application belong to the past. Now steemians have found many other ways and places in order to live their passion, to socially engage and to build.

I'm repeating myself but I can't tell you often enough that my no. 1 application built on the Steem blockchain is @dlive for the very reasons I've just mentioned. If you're looking for human value exchange, integrity and mutual inspiration, then there may be few other dApps whith these characteristics.

But we wouldn't be early crypto adopters if we didn't keep an eye on the next generation of decentralized social networking. The no. 1 social media dApp of the future will surely be ONO @onosocial launched on EOS @eosio.

Everybody I've been chatting with about ONO so far has devoured and celebrated its whitepaper.

If you're looking for something deeper then this is surely your place to be.

Remember: life is simple, it's just not easy.

Much love -
Marly -

Thanks for your valuable time!
This blog was launched at the end of July 2016
aiming to provide stories for open-minded
people who enjoy living on the edge of their lives,
stepping out of comfort zones, going on adventure,
doing extreme sports and embracing the new.
Welcome to the too-much-energy-blog!

PS: Don't content yourself with mediocrity.

Original content. Quotes found on and