ÐApp interfaces are for humans, not users

Steve Jobs famously said about Apple that “…technology alone is not enough — it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our heart sing…”

From the most altruistic to the most egregious scam, ÐApps are in their infant stages of addressing fundamental human challenges such as governance, trust, reputation, fairness, access, and more. The irony is that many ÐApps are clearly mired in technical insularity, seemingly far removed from the humans that use them.

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Waiting for MetaMask (i think...)

As we build and discover this new frontier, let's keep humans in mind, with all the needs they come with.

Check out any of the top 50 ÐApps on State of the ÐApps. Try the ÐApp out and see if you feel like the interface is having a human conversation with you. Does it introduce itself properly to you? Does it answer your questions? Where does it leave you hanging? I'd love to know what you find!

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