Steem on DappRadar?


Quite a few Steemians contacted me recently asking why Steem d/Apps aren't listed on DappRadar yet and if there's anything I can do (via Like many of you, I share the goal of having Steem listed on DappRadar.

And to reduce confusion regarding that topic, I thought it would be good to make my activities towards this goal public.

Below is my chat history with Dragos, team member of DappRadar.


So at this point in time, I'm very certain that they know of Steem (who wouldn't after the success of DrugWars) and either 1.) decided against it or 2.) are working on the implementation.

Which means, we need to have some patience, but in anyway - don't forget that Steem is actually already listed on most of the important dApp sites. (State of the Dapps,, and

Alright, to close this post off. I've been working (coding) a lot behind the scenes recently, so please excuse my recent lack of blog-posts & public engagement!

I'm still here - just lurking in the shadows and working a lot :P

All the best,

Do you believe that my work is valuable for Steem? Then please vote for me as witness.

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